Most Obnoxious Poll (Final)

Who is the Most Obnoxious on JPP (Final Final Poll)

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I took the cutoff at 4 votes and then added in the others I missed earlier. Self votes were ignored, which is why Watermark is not included.
I took the cutoff at 4 votes and then added in the others I missed earlier. Self votes were ignored, which is why Watermark is not included. I was going to put in Leaning Right but that seemed pointless.
Heh, really. Ever notice how when these morons do polls, they always exclude almost everyone on their side of the political aisle?

You really are an incredible oaf, if you even bothered to check you'd know that isn't even remotely true. But sadly your speciality is verbal diarrheoa. Seriously how can anybody consider CFM, TDAK, Tsuke, Yaya and Truth Detector to be on the Left? You must be smoking some serious shit, lady!!
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Jacky, you're so wacky!

Oh yeah, ... I'M wacky. YOU'RE the one that suckles at the appendage of Scott Pruitt, Oklahoma clown and Jesus Freak.
By saddling up to this guy, you just show yourself as an ... what's the word I'm looking for? ... oh yeah, IDIOT!
I assumed cooler heads would prevail.

The only reason people self vote is to try and sabotage the poll. That's why I made it public to flush out the trolls, sock puppets and other assorted detritus. It's my poll and my rulez!! Why don't you and Jacky get together and start a biggest arsehole poll?
Oh yeah, ... I'M wacky. YOU'RE the one that suckles at the appendage of Scott Pruitt, Oklahoma clown and Jesus Freak.
By saddling up to this guy, you just show yourself as an ... what's the word I'm looking for? ... oh yeah, IDIOT!

Cock sucking is tad over the top, but compared to Gina McCarthy and Lisa Jackson he is a veritable Steve Jobs.
The only reason people self vote is to try and sabotage the poll. That's why I made it public to flush out the trolls, sock puppets and other assorted detritus. It's my poll and my rulez!! Why don't you and Jacky get together and start a biggest arsehole poll?

hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ......
Well, I think we ALL know who the winner would be, now don't we ... Havana Loon.