These poll results are obviously biased towards the beneficiaries of white privilege.
However “evil” FDR’s new deal was, Wilson’s income tax, or Nixon’s wiretapping was, they aren’t even in the same universe as slavery and racial oppression. Beneficiaries of white privilege clearly view polls like this through the prism a lily white Americana.
Slavery was the defining moral issue of this country. Nothing is even in the same ballpark. It tore this country apart, and resulted in a cataclysmic war. The enslavement, torture, and death of millions of people over 400 years is a travesty without any parallel. The residue and impact of slavery, institutionalized racism, and Jim Crow continue to this day. White message board posters hold Thomas Jefferson and George Washington in the highest esteem, but I can guarantee you that is not a universally held sentiment, especially for many people with pigment in their skin.
You can’t lay slavery at the foot of any one person, but certainly the evil of Jefferson Davis, the plantation bosses, and the other enablers of slavery and oppression are in a league by themselves. A league the Jimmy Carter, Richard Nixon, and FDR aren’t even close to matching.
p.s, I voted for Reagan, just because my lefty DNA forces me too on principle.