Mott, Mott, Mott...what's wrong with you?

Male monkeys prefer boys’ toys

"It’s thought of as a sexual stereotype: boys tend to play with toy cars and diggers, while girls like dolls. But male monkeys, suggests research, are no different.

This could mean that males, whether human or monkey, have a biological predisposition to certain toys, says Kim Wallen, a psychologist at Yerkes National Primate Research Center in Atlanta, Georgia.

Wallen’s team looked at 11 male and 23 female rhesus monkeys. In general the males preferred to play with wheeled toys, such as dumper trucks, over plush dolls, while female monkeys played with both kinds of toys."

how do you like dem apples?

See, what you just posted said they played with both, not preferring dolls. What kind of sample is 11, to 23 three anyway?
Male monkeys prefer boys’ toys

"It’s thought of as a sexual stereotype: boys tend to play with toy cars and diggers, while girls like dolls. But male monkeys, suggests research, are no different.

This could mean that males, whether human or monkey, have a biological predisposition to certain toys, says Kim Wallen, a psychologist at Yerkes National Primate Research Center in Atlanta, Georgia.

Wallen’s team looked at 11 male and 23 female rhesus monkeys. In general the males preferred to play with wheeled toys, such as dumper trucks, over plush dolls, while female monkeys played with both kinds of toys."

how do you like dem apples?


chimps see female chimps caring for children and male chimps are seen manipulating the marterials in the surrounding area.

if chimps were smarter they would build more complex societies and that would entail more sharing of child rearing duties.

Humans are indeed the example of that societal progression.

can you grok that ?

chimps see female chimps caring for children and male chimps are seen manipulating the marterials in the surrounding area.

if chimps were smarter they would build more complex societies and that would entail more sharing of child rearing duties.

Humans are indeed the example of that societal progression.

can you grok that ?

so even you admit there is a natural biological basis for attraction to particular toys
Quote Originally Posted by evince View Post said:
if chimps were smarter they would build more complex societies and that would entail more sharing of child rearing duties.if chimps were smarter they would build more complex societies and that would entail more sharing of child rearing duties.

complex societies don't share child rearing duties.......they farm it out to babysitters, nannies and day care centers.......
the girls played with both, the boys only played with manly toys.

There is no such thing as manly toys. Why don't you try going back in time before all these toys, and you'll realize most kids did the same things. Of course society didn't want girls playing team sports, but they still did it on there own. Did you actually groan me? I don't think I've seen you do that before.
There is no such thing as manly toys. Why don't you try going back in time before all these toys, and you'll realize most kids did the same things. Of course society didn't want girls playing team sports, but they still did it on there own. Did you actually groan me? I don't think I've seen you do that before.

You wouldn't know anyway, you're not a man...
You wouldn't know anyway, you're not a man...
I thought he left? ...He's not only back but posting with two accounts.
The rest of the sock family is alternating days with the accounts...its pretty funny to watch:)
I thought he left? ...He's not only back but posting with two accounts.
The rest of the sock family is alternating days with the accounts...its pretty funny to watch:)

Who's doing what now?

I need a scorecard. Might any of these people been one of the people complaining about other people's username changes?
Who's doing what now?

I need a scorecard. Might any of these people been one of the people complaining about other people's username changes?
Who's been complaining? ( I would bet "yes" to your question....)