Mott Will Now be Less Inclined to Visit WA

Olympia is considering a bill that would ban dwarf-tossing in all of the bars out here.

You know, they really don't care about dwarves. This is just another excuse to give government more control over our lives. And they will not quit until they have complete control over what we say, do and even think. They are the number one threat to freedom and democracy. When are people going to wise up and exterminate them?
You know, they really don't care about dwarves. This is just another excuse to give government more control over our lives. And they will not quit until they have complete control over what we say, do and even think. They are the number one threat to freedom and democracy. When are people going to wise up and exterminate them?

Awww....what's a matter Grumpy? Haven't you been tossed lately?
You know, they really don't care about dwarves. This is just another excuse to give government more control over our lives. And they will not quit until they have complete control over what we say, do and even think. They are the number one threat to freedom and democracy. When are people going to wise up and exterminate them?

You want to exterminate dwarves?