Mott's Top Ten Posters

Thanks, everyone, for your kind words. I wish I could respond more fully but am in a crunch until Monday and won't have internet access until then either. Of course it's another Agility trial. Will let you know if we do anything wonderful; otherwise we'll have had a great time as always.

You should take a few breaks so that your abs don't get too sore.
I agree. I would like to see Thorn and Bare Knuckled Pundit post more. There probably the two most articulate writers to contribute here. I only put BKP ahead of Thorn because political science is his area of expertise where it's essentially an interest for Thorn.

Having said that, they both probably have a life and have better things to do.

I'm not sure BKP writers here anymore. I'll go look him up, though.
I went over to his blog... it's very sad to see him have so many insightful posts and no comments, especially when he'd be so welcome here. I think we should message bomb him and ask him to come back.
Making a blog is sort of like sending a message in a bottle out into a sea of composed only of messages in a bottle*. It's an absolutely useless activity.

*Zero Punctuation first coined this phrase
And, Mott, I get #1 when a worhthless piece of shit like SM get listed in the top, and worse than people like PMP, Ice Dancer, Tutu, etc...

Really? There is something seriously wrong with how you're judging things. O_O
Well quit being a candy assed whiny bitch and prove me wrong! WRITE SOMETHING!
Thanks, everyone, for your kind words. I wish I could respond more fully but am in a crunch until Monday and won't have internet access until then either. Of course it's another Agility trial. Will let you know if we do anything wonderful; otherwise we'll have had a great time as always.

Best of luck to you and the champ! He'll make you proud, as usual. :):)
Lol way to be a buckeye fan. Just cause lsu raped your bucks without the courtesey of a reach around is no reason to crack on the spin.
Write more on the political forum?
Yes sir, and none of that cut n paste or "all conservatards must die" shit. Read up on some stuff and then do some thinking about it. Then write, but before you hit "post" re-read and edit, then post.

A good exercise is to read one of Dixie's posts, do some homework, then come back and respond to his post and tear one of his arguments apart, point by point.

It's great fun, I tell ya! :)
Lol way to be a buckeye fan. Just cause lsu raped your bucks without the courtesey of a reach around is no reason to crack on the spin.
Don't change the subject Po. You're holding out on us and you know it. Granted throwing monkey poo from your blackberry is a lot of fun but you know a lot of inside shit on politics that you don't write about. Particularly energy and oil politics.
I hate to be critical but there's nobody on that list fit to lick Damo's spunk off of my massive balls.

That is all.
I stopped seriously replying to Dixie's threads because I assumed it was a useless activity and that no one really took his insane paranoid rants seriously.

Now that the thankyou system has been implemented, I amazingly see that a lot of conservative posters - including damo - apparently see his insane and hyperbolic rants as perfectly acceptable nuggets of wisdom. The right wing in America never fails to disappoint me.
I stopped seriously replying to Dixie's threads because I assumed it was a useless activity and that no one really took his insane paranoid rants seriously.

Now that the thankyou system has been implemented, I amazingly see that a lot of conservative posters - including damo - apparently see his insane and hyperbolic rants as perfectly acceptable nuggets of wisdom. The right wing in America never fails to disappoint me.
Me either. Their lack of imagination, on the other hand, does. Makes our job that much easier though. :clink: