Mr Trump to launch his own Social Media Platform...GREAT NEWS ??

This is superb news. I cant wait to join - are you going to join Mr Donald Trump's new platform...?

It’s what he does

Finds an ally like fox

Use them for years

Then moves to steal their market share

No one should befriend sociopaths like trump

He uses everyone and destroys any ally for self gain
Trump and Epstein were banging young girls for many years, not pretend like you guys making dishonest claims about Biden, but real sexual exploitation. You are ecstatic with that. Take Biden to court and see how far you get. This is right-wing made-up shit.

Simply lies

But the Republican Party has told lies about people well before trump
Trump was a pedophile, especially in the 1990s. It's a matter of record. It explains his "wish her well" comments about a pedophile in jail. Probably explains why Jeffrey was murdered.

It explain why Ivanka is his heir apparent over Junior. Would it really be a surprise that, once Big Daddy is dead and Ivanka is in charge of the remaining Trump assets that she comes clean about Trump's sexual abuse with her as a child?


Is it true that the bigger a poster's signature is, the smaller the dick?
More vitriol ... you leftie snowflakes on here just dish it out - post after post after post .... LOOK we know your are leftie dem bidenites - you dont have to keep proving it. The mere fact you are incapable of any rational debate is proof you are leftie dems.. you dont have to double-up on it. OK. Good boy.

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You're the biggest fucking retard on this site and that's an accomplishment considering the retarded moron LV is also on this site.
Is it true that the bigger a poster's signature is, the smaller the dick?

In some cases, yes. Usually it's a matter of overcompensation. If a person constantly overcompensates such as bragging about the price of their car, the size of their bank account or how many porn stars they've fucked, then they have self-esteem issues. A buttondick would explain low self-esteem. So would a person who had an Oedipus Complex.

In some cases, yes. Usually it's a matter of overcompensation. If a person constantly overcompensates such as bragging about the price of their car, the size of their bank account or how many porn stars they've fucked, then they have self-esteem issues. A buttondick would explain low self-esteem. So would a person who had an Oedipus Complex.


So you and President Trump DO have something in common.
You're the biggest fucking retard on this site and that's an accomplishment considering the retarded moron LV is also on this site.
I do thank you so much. You must be chief snowflake. LOL. For a leftie you have vast experience of retards. But hey, you do your very best boy. Trot along now and plan your next answer, boy.
You're the biggest fucking retard on this site and that's an accomplishment considering the retarded moron LV is also on this site.

I think you meant TRADER as I am a wealthy TRADER - you spelled it RETARD <<< hey boy .. get your act together snowflake.