MSN start page asks. IS MICHELLE OBAMA A MAN

Either way, male homosexuals are mental cases (they are psychiatrically disordered) and that explains the damage that Obama's Presidency left in its wake

The priest scandal proves they are almost always child rapists. People don't vote for monsters like that and that means CO gov polis stole the election just like pedo joe biden did.
There is no conceivable way to settle this issue. Any doctor who examined big mike would say what he was paid to say so people have to make up their own mind on this. I look at how massively big mike is built and i say male.
The priest scandal proves they are almost always child rapists. People don't vote for monsters like that and that means CO gov polis stole the election just like pedo joe biden did.

Male homosexuals often sexually disposed to male minors (males under the age of 18. (like the Ancient Greeks who practiced pederasty with prepubescent/pubescent boys). It's no secret really; but any scientific research into the issue has effectively been prohibited by the Left's PC policemen.

Male homosexuals often engage in some pretty un-naturel and bizarre sexual behaviours apart from sodomy. I will not go into the disgusting detaials; suffice to say that they are psychiatrically disordered. Because of this theu should not ever have been given the right to "marry", i.e. have their relationships recognised as legal civil unions. Apart from the sundry, small benefits (e.g. economic) being legally married confers; the reason for marriage was to establish a firm and loving foindation for bearing and raising children.

You do not have to read the 1000's of research studied that conclude children need a mother AND a father if they are to have the opportunity to grow up in a happy, healthy, pro-social, well-adjusted manner. Children who are bought up in single-mother families strongly tend to have poor life outcomes. Why ? BECAUSE IT IS UNNATURAL, OF COURSE. Likewise, homosexual couples adopting and raising children IS UNNATURAL It is the height of SELFISHNESS for homsexual males like ,Pete Buttigeig, and his male partner to "marry" and then adopt children to raise. These children will almost certainly be highly vulnerable to a range of psychological/psychiatric disorders (substance use disorders, depressive mood disorders, anxiety disorders, adjustment disorders, and so on that will negatively impact their life outcomes. THIS MAY NOT NECESSARILY HAPPEN - BUT, BUT THE ODDS AGAINST IT ARE VERY UNFAVOURABLE

Sorry to ramble on about this, but the issue is a prime example of why the left really piss me off. Legalising gay/lesbian marriage was just f**king madness - because if you allow them to adopt children, you are placing those children at severe risk of being screwed up for life. The other lefie idea of allowing CHILDREN to undergo "gender-affirming" SURGERY For boys to have their penis and testicles/scrotum removed by a surgeon (along with other grotesque surgical procedures. For girls to have their breasts surgically removed, their external genitalia mutilated and even a false penis sewn one. THIS IS FRANKENSTEIN MONSTER stuff[/B] THERE IS ZERO OBJECTIVE, SCIENTIFIC, (EMPIRICAL) JUSTIFICATION FOR IT - ZERO !
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So if they do a x-ray of Lia Thomas Caitlyn Jenner pelvis and have a forensic lab analyze it...will it come back as male or female
Mickey O'Bama is an annoying broad with her "eat healthy" bullshit, but she's definitely a broad.

The former HNIC needs to tell her that Americans eat for enjoyment, not nutrition.
Sorry to ramble on about this, but the issue is a prime example of why the left really piss me off. Legalising gay/lesbian marriage was just f**king madness - because if you allow them to adopt children, you are placing those children at severe risk of being screwed up for life.

It's worse than that. The perverts adopt the kids and then pimp them.

So if they do a x-ray of Lia Thomas Caitlyn Jenner pelvis and have a forensic lab analyze it...will it come back as male or female