MSNBC - The president is being transported to the hospital. BREAKING

She had a boob job, like any number of women. Crap, ladies at my work have had them done.

Her choice. Just pointing out that "perfect genes" don't need plastic surgery. :)

Then there's the mentality of people who seek or like plastic surgery.
She had a lot more than a boob job.

Possible. But I wouldn't know. I didn't follow her at any moment of her life. All I got to see was the end result... until I got here and folks started posting her childhood pictures. She didn't change much from what I could see.
I think she’s pretty, but I think she was better before the surgery. I don’t go for the elf look.
Lol. Don't you know presidential history? The presidents' doctors have always lied. Kennedy was always either suffering pain or slightly high on pain drugs. FDR did cocaine to ease his pain. According to Reagan's own son, the president suffered Alzheimers during his last few years in office.

But none of this was known at the time.

What I know is that you are a triggered mental case in serious need of professional help.
how is it clear they are slowly releasing info???

its been less that 18 hr since it was announced,,,

what is it you want?? a new report every 5 minutes???

Remember, Jarod is a triggered lying leftist hack with a severe case of TDS. It doesn't matter what they do or Trump says, Jarod will post like a tard.

Trump declares that he likes air and that air is good!
Jarod's response:
