There were no lies in my post; but there are an awful lot in yours. Along with a severe case of denial and TDS.
You are so full of b*******
There were no lies in my post; but there are an awful lot in yours. Along with a severe case of denial and TDS.
If it isn't rigged, then how would the Russians "rig" it? There is ZERO evidence that the Russians had ANY influence in the outcome of the last election. It is moronic to even suggest it without any evidence at all.
But I get it; liberals need an excuse why the smartest woman on the planet would lose to an idiot and their lame attempts to try to get a "redo" by impeaching Trump.
You can push your lie all you want but the world knows better
There were no lies in my post; but there are an awful lot in yours. Along with a severe case of denial and TDS.
You are so full of b*******
Well, it should be easy to point out the lies shouldn't it?
Then I'll restate. His job is to convince the House to impeach. Pure and simple.
Well, it should be easy to point out the lies shouldn't it?
the horse mis out of the barn on this one you are just being an idiot...yet again.
Restate your brains out. You are still flat out wrong. here is the letter describing his duties. You are pure and simple and wrong.
Restate your brains out. You are still flat out wrong. here is the letter describing his duties. You are pure and simple and wrong.