Mueller may be poised to lift the lid of his investigation

Hello Robo,

And if there's no smoking gun? Then what? Are you prepared for a colossal disappointment? If Mueller has a smoking gun, how come nobody from the Trump campaign has been indicted yet for "actions colluded to with Russians to influence the 2016 election?" Before y'all lefties salivate too much over Mueller's findings, it might do you better to expect much less than you're hoping for.

Don't look now, but people in the Trump campaign HAVE been indicted.

And you're down to arguing the reason for the indictments.

P r e t t y thin. Hang on to it for all ya got! And if worse comes to worst, and Trump is impeached, ripped from power, you can still say: 'But at least they never proved collusion!' (Even if they really did in a roundabout way....) For whatever that's worth.
Mueller is recommending the minimum sentence for Flynn.

He must be singing like a birdie!

Trump should be proud of him for supporting American Justice...
How many times a day does some liberal breathlessly inform the world that this time...


We should be able to assume that Trump got the unredacted version of the document and a lack of response by Trump is telling.

The redacted document was written in a way that would get the message out to the people that there are several different investigations that can be used to get to Trump and his family.

But always keep in mind that Trump won't be taken down with a 'bang'. He'll be taken down quietly that will be made to look as much as possible like Trump is making his own choice.

Mueller's most important consideration is to save hurting the GOP unnecessarily. The advantages of doing that and not alienating the GOP are enormous and doesn't create more new enemies for Mueller.

Americans aren't likely to be able to see out of their boxes on that.