Muhammad was the final prophet sent by Almighty Allah

Imam Abdul

الله أكب
Ash hadu an laa ilaaha illallaah, wa ash hadu anna Muhammadan rasool-ullaah (I bear witness that there is no god worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah)

The Qur’an states, “Whoever calls on another god together with Allah has no proof for doing so at all, and his reckoning is with his Lord. Truly the unbelievers have no success.” (Soorat Al-Mu’minoon, 23:117)

The significance of Laa ilaaha illallaah along with its two main parts are mentioned in the following verse: “Whoever rejects false gods and believes in Allah has grasped the Firmest Handhold, which will never give way.” (Soorat Al-Baqarah, 2:256)

The words “whoever rejects false gods” provides the meaning of the first part of the testimony of faith, namely, Laa ilaaha; while the words “and believes in Allah” provides the meaning of its second part, namely, illallaah.
Ash hadu an laa ilaaha illallaah, wa ash hadu anna Muhammadan rasool-ullaah (I bear witness that there is no god worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah)

The Qur’an states, “Whoever calls on another god together with Allah has no proof for doing so at all, and his reckoning is with his Lord. Truly the unbelievers have no success.” (Soorat Al-Mu’minoon, 23:117)

The significance of Laa ilaaha illallaah along with its two main parts are mentioned in the following verse: “Whoever rejects false gods and believes in Allah has grasped the Firmest Handhold, which will never give way.” (Soorat Al-Baqarah, 2:256)

The words “whoever rejects false gods” provides the meaning of the first part of the testimony of faith, namely, Laa ilaaha; while the words “and believes in Allah” provides the meaning of its second part, namely, illallaah.

I see no salvation in Allah or Mohammed.

Think I'll get ready for church lol.
If I see any I'll pass along your regards.
If you belong to any of the southern evangelical or Christocapitalist sects you'll have no problem. Where do you think the leaders of the KKK disappeared to after they disbanded n the 60's? Billy Graham, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Orel Roberts, Jimmy Swaggart, etc, etc. Their families previous connections and involvement with the KKK are well known. When it came to the point that to be a member of the KKK was a social anethma nationally these folks migrated into the southern Christocapitalist movement and have been using that movement to spread their word of hate, bigotry and division using our Holy Bible as a bludgeon. It's beyond disgusting.
If you belong to any of the southern evangelical or Christocapitalist sects you'll have no problem. Where do you think the leaders of the KKK disappeared to after they disbanded n the 60's? Billy Graham, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Orel Roberts, Jimmy Swaggart, etc, etc. Their families previous connections and involvement with the KKK are well known. When it came to the point that to be a member of the KKK was a social anethma nationally these folks migrated into the southern Christocapitalist movement and have been using that movement to spread their word of hate, bigotry and division using our Holy Bible as a bludgeon. It's beyond disgusting.

Odd that you'd say all that. I'm getting ready to attend a church I've only been in once before, since I don't have a home church. It's a Baptist church situated in a rough part of Charleston. The last time I was here I couldn't help but notice the young black kids in attendance and how it good it was to see their families, intact, and in church together.

Made me think there's hope after all. Liberal policies have failed the black community.
There is no proof any gods or monsters exist in this world.

myths will not save mankind

Love will save mankind
Odd that you'd say all that. I'm getting ready to attend a church I've only been in once before, since I don't have a home church. It's a Baptist church situated in a rough part of Charleston. The last time I was here I couldn't help but notice the young black kids in attendance and how it good it was to see their families, intact, and in church together.

Made me think there's hope after all. Liberal policies have failed the black community.

only in addled right wing heads
Odd that you'd say all that. I'm getting ready to attend a church I've only been in once before, since I don't have a home church. It's a Baptist church situated in a rough part of Charleston. The last time I was here I couldn't help but notice the young black kids in attendance and how it good it was to see their families, intact, and in church together.

Made me think there's hope after all. Liberal policies have failed the black community.
Ahh so right wing policies like slavery, Jim Crow, segregation and lynching did?

You're comments are based on a false premise. African Americans of this generation are far, far better off due to liberals throwing of the shackles of bigotry, hate and discrimination and providing them the blessings of freedom and liberty for which white conservatives, largely Southern and rural, howled in rage over, and often do to this day. Without liberal values and protection of their freedom and liberties conservatives would throw African Americans back into the semi-serfdom that they existed in until liberals rose to protect their civil rights from exploitation by conservatives.

Please explain to me the blessings of conservatives policies for African Americans. Blacks are not impoverished because they are entrapped by a social welfare state. They are impoverished because conservative white bigots refuse the share our common resources with them in a fair and equitable manner.

White conservative hypocrits yell, "Pull yourself up! Get a job, get an education." and then you deny them jobs other than the most menial and you deny them the resources for a quality education and then blame them for the self fulfilling prophecy of failure that white conservative bigots created.

Yea....lecture me about failed liberal policies. Please do. I'll take the blessings of freedom and liberty any day over conservatives with there reactionary old world European feudal society they try so hard to turn this nation into. I'll take the liberal values America represents around the world to conservatives old feudal European values.

Unlike conservatives I'm damned proud of my American values. I don't shit myself in fear at the thought of someone who is different than me benefitting from the blessings of freedom and liberty.
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note he REFUSES to listen to what black people actually say

they give NO credence to them as humans

they dismiss what the black community says about the world

they just make up what they want to pretend they think.

complete fucking racism
Ahh so right wing policies like slavery, Jim Crow, segregation and lynching did?

You're comments are based on a false premise. African Americans of this generation are far, far better off due to liberals throwing of the shackles of bigotry, hate and discrimination and providing them the blessings of freedom and liberty for which white conservatives, largely Southern and rural, howled in rage over, and often do to this day. Without liberal values and protection of their freedom and liberties conservatives would throw African Americans back into the semi-serfdom that they existed in until liberals rose to protect their civil rights from exploitation by conservatives.

Please explain to me the blessings of conservatives policies for African Americans. Blacks are not impoverished because they are entrapped by a social welfare state. They are impoverished because conservative white bigots refuse the share our common resources with them in a fair and equitable manner.

White conservative hypocrits yell, "Pull yourself up! Get a job, get an education." and then you deny them jobs other than the most menial and you deny them the resources for a quality education and then blame them for the self fulfilling prophecy of failure that white conservative bigots created.

Yea....lecture me about failed liberal policies. Please do. I'll take the blessings of freedom and liberty any day over conservatives with there reactionary old world European feudal society they try so hard to turn this nation into. I'll take the liberal values America represents around the world to conservatives old feudal European values.

Unlike conservatives I'm damned proud of my American values. I don't shit myself in fear at the thought of someone who is different than me benefitting from the blessings of freedom and liberty.

Feel free to lecture some local coal miners about liberal policy and the blessings of liberty.

Bring a helmet lol.
note he REFUSES to listen to what black people actually say

they give NO credence to them as humans

they dismiss what the black community says about the world

they just make up what they want to pretend they think.

complete fucking racism

You and yours will rue the day the black community and poor folks in general wake up and realize they've been had. You should be glad they've done away with tar and feathers.

Liberal policy is designed to create a dependent class that will vote democrat, in perpetuity. It goes on just about anywhere liberals have been in power for very long.