Muhammad was the final prophet sent by Almighty Allah

Nothing "flipped" you repugnant ignorant leftist dumbass. Bird was a lifelong Democrat as were many of the other racists in the Democratic Party that fought the Johnson Admin on civil rights.

The Democratic Party does need ignorant dumbfucks like you to vote for their dishonest politicians that keep blacks in their democratically controlled Urban sewers.

Not sure who this "Bird" is, that our board moron is referring to ... but I do know Senator Byrd is a perfect example of how the parties did indeed flip when it comes to civil rights in the USA in the 1960s...

June 29, 2010
Longest Serving Member of Congress Became a Champion for Civil Rights and Liberties

WASHINGTON, DC - The NAACP is saddened by the passing of United States Senator Robert Byrd. Byrd, the longest serving member of congress was first elected to the U.S. House from in 1952 and was elected Senator in 1958. Byrd passed away this morning at the age of 92.

"Senator Byrd reflects the transformative power of this nation," stated NAACP President and CEO Benjamin Todd Jealous. "Senator Byrd went from being an active member of the KKK to a being a stalwart supporter of the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act and many other pieces of seminal legislation that advanced the civil rights and liberties of our country.

"Senator Byrd came to consistently support the NAACP civil rights agenda, doing well on the NAACP Annual Civil Rights Report Card. He stood with us on many issues of crucial importance to our members from the reauthorization of the Voting Rights Act, the historic health care legislation of 2010 and his support for the Hate Crimes Prevention legislation," stated Hilary O. Shelton, Director of the NAACP Washington Bureau and Senior Vice President for Advocacy and Policy. "Senator Byrd was a master of the Senate Rules, and helped strategize passage of legislation that helped millions of Americans. He will be sorely missed."

Founded in 1909, the NAACP is the nation's oldest and largest civil rights organization. Its members throughout the United States and the world are the premier advocates for civil rights in their communities, conducting voter mobilization and monitoring equal opportunity in the public and private sectors.

Thanks for bringing him up moron.
Slander not Allah Most High and Exalted, and the Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings. Sabb, shatm, sabb, takhdid and shatm toward Allah the Most High and His messengers belike to make you the denizens of hell-fire.

Iftarāʿala llahi kadhiban, 11:18

I still see no salvation in this.
Ash hadu an laa ilaaha illallaah, wa ash hadu anna Muhammadan rasool-ullaah (I bear witness that there is no god worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah)

The Qur’an states, “Whoever calls on another god together with Allah has no proof for doing so at all, and his reckoning is with his Lord. Truly the unbelievers have no success.” (Soorat Al-Mu’minoon, 23:117)

The significance of Laa ilaaha illallaah along with its two main parts are mentioned in the following verse: “Whoever rejects false gods and believes in Allah has grasped the Firmest Handhold, which will never give way.” (Soorat Al-Baqarah, 2:256)

The words “whoever rejects false gods” provides the meaning of the first part of the testimony of faith, namely, Laa ilaaha; while the words “and believes in Allah” provides the meaning of its second part, namely, illallaah.

He was a murderer and a pedophile. He, and all who follow him, are going to hell. That's a fact.
Ahh so right wing policies like slavery, Jim Crow, segregation and lynching did?

You're comments are based on a false premise. African Americans of this generation are far, far better off due to liberals throwing of the shackles of bigotry, hate and discrimination and providing them the blessings of freedom and liberty for which white conservatives, largely Southern and rural, howled in rage over, and often do to this day. Without liberal values and protection of their freedom and liberties conservatives would throw African Americans back into the semi-serfdom that they existed in until liberals rose to protect their civil rights from exploitation by conservatives.

Please explain to me the blessings of conservatives policies for African Americans. Blacks are not impoverished because they are entrapped by a social welfare state. They are impoverished because conservative white bigots refuse the share our common resources with them in a fair and equitable manner.

White conservative hypocrits yell, "Pull yourself up! Get a job, get an education." and then you deny them jobs other than the most menial and you deny them the resources for a quality education and then blame them for the self fulfilling prophecy of failure that white conservative bigots created.

Yea....lecture me about failed liberal policies. Please do. I'll take the blessings of freedom and liberty any day over conservatives with there reactionary old world European feudal society they try so hard to turn this nation into. I'll take the liberal values America represents around the world to conservatives old feudal European values.

Unlike conservatives I'm damned proud of my American values. I don't shit myself in fear at the thought of someone who is different than me benefitting from the blessings of freedom and liberty.

You've gone full retard here Moot. Jim Crow, slavery, KKK, etc. were not associated with the values that contemporary conservatives espouse. All men are created equal, endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights... Stop pretending otherwise.

Now look at what contemporary liberals believe. Races should be treated differently. The rich get so off the backs of the poor. Same beliefs as Democrats who created Jim Crow, slavery, KKK etc.
I hope you have a thick skin, Imam Abdul. There are people here who don't like Muslims and pervert the verses to serve an agenda. :(

I believe a very credible argument can be made that Muhammad, Jesus, The Buddha, and Confucius are the four most important human beings who have ever lived.

No matter what religion one belongs to, or even if one is an atheist, the ethical values and philosophy of a meaningful life almost all of us subscribe too ultimately go back to these four men.
Ash hadu an laa ilaaha illallaah, wa ash hadu anna Muhammadan rasool-ullaah (I bear witness that there is no god worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah)

The Qur’an states, “Whoever calls on another god together with Allah has no proof for doing so at all, and his reckoning is with his Lord. Truly the unbelievers have no success.” (Soorat Al-Mu’minoon, 23:117)

The significance of Laa ilaaha illallaah along with its two main parts are mentioned in the following verse: “Whoever rejects false gods and believes in Allah has grasped the Firmest Handhold, which will never give way.” (Soorat Al-Baqarah, 2:256)

The words “whoever rejects false gods” provides the meaning of the first part of the testimony of faith, namely, Laa ilaaha; while the words “and believes in Allah” provides the meaning of its second part, namely, illallaah.

Whatthefuckever, I have no use for any of you male dominator god religious adherents.
Who is or is not going to your imaginary hell is a bit out of your jurisdiction, by your own belief system pard.

Well, if you believe in hell, then you must believe in God. Do you really think that God would allow moohammy, or any of his followers into Heaven?
Well, if you believe in hell, then you must believe in God. Do you really think that God would allow moohammy, or any of his followers into Heaven?

That's like saying that people who believe in God and Jesus who commit crimes won't be allowed in heaven.

Observant Muslims are moral, ethical people. They are not represented by jihadis.
That's like saying that people who believe in God and Jesus who commit crimes won't be allowed in heaven.

Observant Muslims are moral, ethical people. They are not represented by jihadis.

Nowhere near saying the same thing.

Being an observant Muslim isn't what it takes to get into heaven. That might be whatever cult you follow that misrepresents the teachings of Jesus tells you. Over 900 idiots died under the misrepresentative teachings of Jim Jones.