Murderers Bury The Body

To Hoosier Daddy: Asshole. Any justice that can invent a tax to justify Obamacare is a liberal; will always be a liberal until his dying day.

Note that Roberts always votes with the Democrats on the big ones —— not because they are right, but because Roberts believes in the Democrat Party’s governing philosophy more than he believes in the Constitution.

For the record. I knew what Roberts is during his conformation hearings.

you are just too stupid to understand anything. maybe if you go back and finish grade school you could make a post that makes any sense. you go, girl!! keep us posted.
Nope, not much “President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States” shall be removed from office if convicted in an impeachment trial of “Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”

One judge was removed/quit for continually showing up drunk, another was removed because it was found after the trial, he had business dealings with the litigant.
Both quit instead of going through impeachment.

Most were charged with improper behavior or were proven wrong by lawyers, incompetence.


Article III
Section 1
The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour,

A very low bar.

Article III
Section 1
The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour,

A very low bar.

Yes, GOOD behavior.

Judges can be removed for BAD behavior.
Yes, GOOD behavior.

Judges can be removed for BAD behavior.

When there is no truth there is only power and the ends justify the means "good" means one gets what they want and "bad" means they dont....that is all it means to these inferior people.
When there is no truth there is only power and the ends justify the means "good" means one gets what they want and "bad" means they dont....that is all it means to these inferior people.

WTF? Not in courts for regular people.
There have been cases of celebrities, rich people and "connected" people where that happens.
February 6, 2014

A judge on Wednesday ordered that Ethan Couch – who drove drunk and caused a crash, killing four people and injuring two – go to a lock-down residential treatment facility.

State District Judge Jean Boyd had already decided the Texas teenager would serve no jail time. He was sentenced last year to 10 years’ probation.

His story made national headlines after a witness claimed Couch was a victim of “affluenza” – the product of wealthy, privileged parents who never set limits for the boy.
The question here is:

At what point will public mistrust in our elections reach a point where it becomes an unavoidable issue?

There's no denying that an increasing portion of the public distrusts the election process. Doesn't matter what the reason is or which party they're behind. That distrust is building too. I say we need to rebuild trust so those that distrust the system regain confidence in it.

For those who consistently deny any fraud exists, any irregularities exist, etc., I say you are part of the problem not the solution. There clearly exists a growing number of people losing faith in the election process and denying there's a problem, or telling those people they're crazy or whatever isn't helping it.