Museum of Atheism

Overcoming that flight or fight knee jerk

To retain compassion for a failed humans actions to then still think clearly about what is best for all

It’s not weakness

That is what Jesus was trying to teach mankind
I think it is a fair point that biologically we evolved with some rudimentary sense of the benefits of altruism.

On the other hand, it is the height of hubris to suggest one was just naturally, independently on your own, able to come up with a comprehensive, lucid system of moral clarity in complete isolation from culture, society even from history itself.

If it is true we are just sophisticated moral beings by virtue of nothing more than DNA, I have to wonder why history needed such premminent moral thinkers like Plato, Zhu Xi, Zarathustra, Augustine, Sidartha Guatauma, etc.

Agreed on your second point.

Agreed partially on the first; It's important for parents to bond with their children so innate "altruism" kicks in.

It's usually an illogical response to risk one's life for another. A mother's bond with her progeny will cause them to fight rather than logically flee from danger.

People don't normally risk their lives for others. Most will take calculated risks for others. We can point out the guy who runs into a burning house to save a child not his own, but the reality is that there are 50-100 others just watching it burn. They are the average, he would be the above average in that scenario.

Marines don't throw themselves on grenades because they are ordered to do so; they react in such a manner to protect people with whom they have bonded.

While most of us do have some altruism and can logically discuss it, it doesn't kick in equally for all circumstances.
Physically no,Spiritually yes,if you chose.
Of course if you're alive when
1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 takes place,that's another story.

:) I don't think any of us has any control of what happens after death. Maybe we're dead dead? or maybe we move to Level 2? I can accept either one. :)
Agreed on your second point.

Agreed partially on the first; It's important for parents to bond with their children so innate "altruism" kicks in.

It's usually an illogical response to risk one's life for another. A mother's bond with her progeny will cause them to fight rather than logically flee from danger.

People don't normally risk their lives for others. Most will take calculated risks for others. We can point out the guy who runs into a burning house to save a child not his own, but the reality is that there are 50-100 others just watching it burn. They are the average, he would be the above average in that scenario.

Marines don't throw themselves on grenades because they are ordered to do so; they react in such a manner to protect people with whom they have bonded.

It destroys an automatically compassionate being to find themselves in an uncaring world as their brain finishes forming in the first 25 years of life

Sociopaths can be created
:) I don't think any of us has any control of what happens after death. Maybe we're dead dead? or maybe we move to Level 2? I can accept either one. :)

I think just the opposite. I have never taken a vacation
because when I get off this crazy planet and out of this old body slowly falling apart.I'm going on vacation when I get home!
I just don’t think there is some being controlling everything

I accept that I could be wrong

But my true thoughts are there is not

It depends on how one defines what god means

But once you go to that space it can be defined in any way

So I have settled on no god

A structure like everything else observable

We as individuals are a structure of chemicals, electric impulses and cells

It gives us the power to ponder


The power to ponder

The greatest gift ever

Einstein was a pantheist, which is also how I interpret Sakharov.

It seems like a reasonable posture to me