Mushrooms on Mars?

Not a biologist, but my understanding is that, due to various reasons, life forms need to be carbon or silicon based.

Agreed that the claims of spores on Mars are likely bogus.

For sure, carbon is by far the most versatile element in the periodic table and the only one capable of forming organic polymers.

What I wonder is whether deoxyribonucleic acid, aka DNA is the only molecule capable of carrying information for the development and reproduction of life. If non-DNA based life exists, I wonder if we would even recognize it.
For sure, carbon is by far the most versatile element in the periodic table and the only one capable of forming organic polymers.

What I wonder is whether deoxyribonucleic acid, aka DNA is the only molecule capable of carrying information for the development and reproduction of life. If non-DNA based life exists, I wonder if we would even recognize it.

That part gets too deep for me. DNA, RNA, amino acids, etc. I'm more of a "is it edible?" and "is it a threat?" type of guy. :)
That part gets too deep for me. DNA, RNA, amino acids, etc. I'm more of a "is it edible?" and "is it a threat?" type of guy. :)

:) I am no biologist either, but I have heard exobiologists speculate that alien life might not be DNA based. The fact that DNA was the basis of life in Earth history, does not prove that it would be universally true for all life.
Hello Cypress,

For sure, carbon is by far the most versatile element in the periodic table and the only one capable of forming organic polymers.

What I wonder is whether deoxyribonucleic acid, aka DNA is the only molecule capable of carrying information for the development and reproduction of life. If non-DNA based life exists, I wonder if we would even recognize it.

The search is still on for life within the Republican Party. There have been some indications, but it's very frustrating to be hopeful for a unified nation that explores different approaches to dealing with issues in a positive way.

Newt Gingrich was like the virus that destroyed respect between the parties.
:) I am no biologist either, but I have heard exobiologists speculate that alien life might not be DNA based. The fact that DNA was the basis of life in Earth history, does not prove that it would be universally true for all life.

Finding any form of life would obviously be one of the most significant events in human history.
This article is current, but the data is from previous rovers. Perseverance will likely be looking for more.
  • Scientists claim NASA photos show mushrooms growing on Mars.
  • In their paper, the scientists analyze a variety of images taken by NASA’s Opportunity and Curiosity rovers, as well as the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter’s HiRISE camera.
  • Mushrooms could be great for multiple purposes for Mars settlers.

I've gone to Mars while on mushrooms before.

Does that count?
This article is current, but the data is from previous rovers. Perseverance will likely be looking for more.
  • Scientists claim NASA photos show mushrooms growing on Mars.
  • In their paper, the scientists analyze a variety of images taken by NASA’s Opportunity and Curiosity rovers, as well as the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter’s HiRISE camera.
  • Mushrooms could be great for multiple purposes for Mars settlers.

dutch has been eating to many of those funny mushrooms
I am no scientist- BUT I'm willing to take a look!

Those are probably frozen droplets of DRY ICE or frozen carbon dioxide!

To be abundantly fruitful, mushrooms prefer humid conditions and temperatures that start out at 70 degrees F. and thereafter stay above 55, but do not rise much above 60 degrees, although they can tolerate slightly higher temperatures.

Temperatures on Mars average about -81 degrees F. However, temperature's range from around -220 degrees F. in the wintertime at the poles, to +70 degrees F. over the lower latitudes in the summer.
Proving that a Geeko is smarter than Dutch.