Musk has been staying at $2,000-a-night Mar-a-Lago cottage — just hundreds of feet from Trump’s main house

So, how is it in your world? Why do you think Elon has so much influence over Felonious?

#TRE45ON deeply admires the ultra wealthy and sees himself as one of them. MAGATs hate them some illegal immigrants, unless of course they are ultra wealthy.

Elon Musk, enemy of ‘open borders,’ launched his career working illegally

Investors in Musk’s first company worried about “our founder being deported” and gave him a deadline for obtaining a work visa.
Sounds like he'd be a great addition to the posse...that's their special language...the perverted psychobabble...;)

"Posse" (noun): 1. Anyone who sees Toxic for what she really is, and says it out loud.
2. Anyone who disagrees with Toxic.
3. Anyone who doesn't suckle at the toadstool of #TRE45ON.

Kam's legacy in pictures...
Exactly,....Kammy laughs like a raging imbecile. It is clearly one of the things people held against her when voting,....the insecure nervous laugh that made her look unbalanced. I HOPE left wingers continue to use that gif, HELPS US spread the meme that they were stupid enuff to run a laughing imbecile who got her ass kicked good and handed US the whole enchilada. We quite literally HAVE IT ALL now, EVERY LEVER of power this country has,...OURS....they handed it right to us on a silver platter due to their own blatant stupidity. So YES,...I LOVE that Kammy gif! :)

I have been trying to hold back on this in the interest of trying to be nice,....but it is time to post my true feelings on T-Bird and if his feelings get hurt so be it. I bet Im not alone when it comes to my characterization of him either......

T-Bird..................... I think he is probably a well meaning guy actually. Probably worked hard his whole life,...a working man. But,....I think he is sub average IQ and see's things very simplistically because he just doesn't have the ability to see things any other way. In his mind its.......DEMOCRATS GOOD.........REPUBLICANS BAD. In his simplistic world view he still believes that the Democrats are the party of THE WORKING MAN, just as he was TAUGHT to believe, when the truth is the Democrats have abandoned the working man a longgggggggggggggg time ago. Truth is,....I actually feel a bit bad for the guy. He cant help how he thinks,....he is well meaning but also somewhat of a simpleton. So, there you go,...I said what needed to be said. If not for HIS INSISTENCE on acting an asshole and PRETENDING like everyone else is stupid when in fact it is HIM who is stupid I wouldn't have done this,...but he did. He needed to be put in his place.

A juvenile attitude toward debate.
Exactly,....Kammy laughs like a raging imbecile. It is clearly one of the things people held against her when voting,....the insecure nervous laugh that made her look unbalanced. I HOPE left wingers continue to use that gif, HELPS US spread the meme that they were stupid enuff to run a laughing imbecile who got her ass kicked good and handed US the whole enchilada. We quite literally HAVE IT ALL now, EVERY LEVER of power this country has,...OURS....they handed it right to us on a silver platter due to their own blatant stupidity. So YES,...I LOVE that Kammy gif! :)

Indeed...(I could never understand why anyone would use that Cackling Kam meme...unless they were mocking;))
Kam's legacy in pictures...
Didn't she lose?

These loons act like she won.

Breaking news (for the far left loons) Kamala and the Valor Thief clown, Tampon Tim, just lost in an overwhelming defeat...the presidency, the House and the Senate...and the Justice Dept. on Jan. 20.
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I have been trying to hold back on this in the interest of trying to be nice,....but it is time to post my true feelings on T-Bird and if his feelings get hurt so be it. I bet Im not alone when it comes to my characterization of him either......

T-Bird..................... I think he is probably a well meaning guy actually. Probably worked hard his whole life,...a working man. But,....I think he is sub average IQ and see's things very simplistically because he just doesn't have the ability to see things any other way. In his mind its.......DEMOCRATS GOOD.........REPUBLICANS BAD. In his simplistic world view he still believes that the Democrats are the party of THE WORKING MAN, just as he was TAUGHT to believe, when the truth is the Democrats have abandoned the working man a longgggggggggggggg time ago. Truth is,....I actually feel a bit bad for the guy. He cant help how he thinks,....he is well meaning but also somewhat of a simpleton. So, there you go,...I said what needed to be said. If not for HIS INSISTENCE on acting an asshole and PRETENDING like everyone else is stupid when in fact it is HIM who is stupid I wouldn't have done this,...but he did. He needed to be put in his place.
For one thing I have several collage degrees, and It is NOT the REPUBLICANS that I am against it is Trump and his stupid MAGAS.
The Republicans were a political party real patriotic Americans could stand behind and don't want to put a want to be dictator in the highest office in the land.
You MAGAS have to open your eyes and read / listen to just what Trump has been saying he is going to do.
and I will ask you again what are they going to do after Trump is done taking the left leaning AMERICANS rights away and comes after yours?

She and the vegetable have disappeared.

What a relief to not have to see these clowns on TV everyday.
Poor Joe has been an utter disaster each time he's "appeared", so they're limiting those as much as possible....I haven't seen her at all...
It is very nice...