The Sage of Main Street
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A Seed Doesn't Grow in a Sandbox, Which Is for ChildrenOur education system is failing us. Who more than a high-tech employer would be affected by that?
College "education" is birth-class-biased indentured servitude. Going four or more years without a job in order to get a white-collar job fails to motivate most of our most-talented students. It is childish, depressing, humiliating, and insulting. The millionaire businessmen who mandate this tyranny should reward the non-Preppy talent the same way they hypocritically motivate their own children: an allowance equivalent to the pay of a full-time job, plus free tuition (which is not the most serious defect of this system, even though it is the only thing about it that we are allowed to discuss).
It is ironic that Musk refers to pro sports. Just as college football and basketball are free minor leagues for the pro teams, the present obsolete and failing university Toy Factory is a free minor leagues for the corporations—except that athetes get expensive housing, expensive food, and expensive entertainment, the equivalent of $600 a week plus, free tuition.
What should be imitated even more is pro baseball. Talented 18-year-olds get hundreds of thousands of dollars to put themselves through baseball's equivalent of college education, the minor leagues. So, as a substitute for corporate taxes, businesses should recruit and pay talented high-school scholars up front. Even without the tax break, a corporation that would reward talent like that would be leading its sector within a few years. It would be equivalent to an NFL team getting the whole first round of draft picks.
College is compatible with only no-talent brown-noses or escapist wimpy nerds. students no different from the slackers who are afraid to grow up. Diploma Dumbos might as well live with their parents and take the bus to the local branch of the state university. Such unnatural, unmotivating, and unAmerican lifestyles place inferior people in superior positions. It is the most common, though never mentioned, Affirmative Action Admissions of all. And Musk has given up on Americans' formerly proven superiority in natural talent, which is turned off by this system.