The question is not if we should implement strict gun law policies in the US it is when the line is drawn. The line that so many gun enthusiasts, politicians, celebrities and average citizens fail to see. From a very mature perspective it seems absurd to not value safety and precaution, over rights and privilege. Yes a large number of people in the US value their 2nd Amendment and the ability to use and protect themselves through guns but what they fail to foresee is the value of example. The example that various countries throughout the world have demonstrated successfully, like Australia. You remove the risk, and in most cases the right, you increase the reward. The reward is quite simply the reduction of gun related violence, incidents and accidents. Australia has seen, since the removal of over 1 million guns, a reduction in homicides relating to guns and led to no mass shootings. Statistics don’t lie, unlike many Americans who continue to display arrogance and privilege. The right and privilege to do something is earned, exactly like respect, this works the same for guns. It has been proven that the guns laws, the right, the privilege, has not been earned but rather overrun. Yes, the argument is you remove guns then people will still try to access them. However the access will be significantly diminished, which in turn diminishes the reward.