DAMN .. I woke up a bit down today as my Pistons got their asses whooped last night .. but then I come to my favorite site, and there you are. Like some perverted mascochist, begging me to cyber-spank that ass again.
Let me see if I cover all this bullshit in one post.
1. "Where's blackascoal?" .. ANSWER: He was working .. you should try it sometimes.
2. "Did McCain give the scumbag preachers $20,000.00?
Who knows and who the fuck cares? Obama donated to his church, not his pastor, as most people do .. AND .. Obama did not seek the endorsement of his pastor and in fact has distanced himself from him
even before Wright became an issue .. whereas, McCain has actively sought the endorsement of the scumbags Hagee and Rod Parsley .. AND McCain did his usually flip-flop when questioned about them .. AND McCain once called Falwell and Pat Robertson "agents of intolerance", then he went crawling back to them begging their blessing once he realized that the republican base loves lunatic scumbag preachers who've said some of the most hate-filled and bizzare statements known to Man. There any need for me to post these bizzare ass statements. They are known scumbags.
The media doesn't focus on these assholes, demand McCain refute them, or give McCain's preacher problems the same coverage as Wright .. but who gives a damn? As idiot republicans have proven, Americans don't give a fuck about preachers. You idiots are just too fucking dumb to recognize that. Shall I once again point out the recent elections that demonstrate you don't know what the hell you're talking about? Grow up.
AND, it wasn't the media who attacked Romney because he was a mormon ..
it was your own party, your own knuckledraggers in the south, and your own right-wing media and "pundits" that you listen to as if they speak the word of God.
If I didn't know better, I'd swear you were auditioning to be my set-up man/stooge. Didn't you even consider how easily I'd rip apart that Romney bullshit.
3. I'm going to rush through 3 because I can't wait to get to 4.
You can continue to attempt to paint Obama with anyone you wish .. now Manson .. MEGA-stupid .. but most Americans are not quite as stupid as you seem to be my friend. That also appears to be something you don't know.
'Nuff said about that.
4. My favorite ..
"And THAT'S why WE won't ever let him in the Oval Office."
Who the fuck is "we?"
For you "we" is an ever-shrinking, ineffectual, and increasingly powerless and ignored MINORITY (I love that) of right-wing conservatives who presently can't distinguish their own ass from a hole in the wall. The "we" you belong to is so inept, they couldn't even control their own primary and bounced around from one failed candidate to the next until McCain finally won by default.
Let me put this mildly .. the "we" you represent don't mean shit. Who the fuck needs you? Your "we" doesn't get to decide because America does not belong to them.
BY EVERY MEASURE .. number of people who have voted, fundraising, approval of the issues, you name it .. OBAMA is WAY ahead of every right-winger on the planet.
Dude, I feel your pain. When Obama is elected, the Japanese have perfected the way you can stop the pain .. it involves a very sharp knife and a sword.
Waiting for your next lunatic response ..