I'm not really talking about your post. I'm just making light fun of the person who was all, "Call teh interwebs pow-leese!"I never meant to be insensitive. I thought it was nice. Not for me, but for someone else, perhaps.
I'm not really talking about your post. I'm just making light fun of the person who was all, "Call teh interwebs pow-leese!"I never meant to be insensitive. I thought it was nice. Not for me, but for someone else, perhaps.
I'm not really talking about your post. I'm just making light fun of the person who was all, "Call teh interwebs pow-leese!"
Yeah, and unfortunately most of my dubious "humor" is based in sardonic and sarcastic remarks...Sometimes sarcasm doesn't come across well in print.
I'm not really talking about your post. I'm just making light fun of the person who was all, "Call teh interwebs pow-leese!"
LOL. You can tell we shut down their free speech by the fact that we banned them and deleted the posts and stuff! Those terrible people!I see you're being your usual retarded self today, Damo. People have a right to say retarded things, they don't have immunity from criticism for saying those things. SM said something disgusting, WB called him out on it, and you and beefy go and parade around like its an outrage that he practiced his free speech just as much as SM. We have garbage people running this board.
LOL. You can tell we shut down their free speech by the fact that we banned them and deleted the posts and stuff! Those terrible people!
Humor in the face of death is not a crime.
SM that is perhaps the nicest thing you have ever said to me though and was recieved that way by me.....
T!That stinks Desh. I'm sorry to hear that. Dogs are simply the best.
That stinks Desh. I'm sorry to hear that. Dogs are simply the best.