My day Yesterday with Four brave young men.

I threw in Hearsay...........

No the inferense was that it didn't happen at all or I made it up cause it is hearsay.
And that somehow, because the soldiers were someplace that has been made offlimits that makes them less of a soldier, when soldiers everywhere in the Army go places that are off limits and do things that general orders tell them they should not do. Shit there was a general order during the first gulf war that there would be no sex between soldiers, yet female after female came back pregnant in such a way they ONLY could have concieved in Kuwait and SA. Like I said, all the military has to do is tell soldiers there will be no reprecussions for telling the media exactly what they think about the war. But to come upon four soldiers randomly and have them all have the same negative feeling for the war but still love the army speaks volumes.

Because you claim to be a attorney...and should know better than posted hearsay...thats a fact jack!
Don't you have some........

there's not one reasonable person, who hasn't spent six years sucking bush off, that can claim the war is going great, that the iraqi people love us, or that this clusterfuck was worth one trillion dollars and hundreds of thousands of dead people.

Its a clusterfuck, and it wasn't worth it.

doggie poop to clean in the back of the kennel...canned responses are so boring!:rolleyes:
Again. One person puts up an anecdote, the next says "all soldiers don't feel this way stop saying that they do" (strawman). Then the originator says "you are saying that I found the only four there that did think this way!" (strawman). Then the whole thing turns into people attempting to one-up each other over a story that is either touching or worrying depending on which side you happen to be on.

It is sad, none of the arguments are worth the straw that was used to build the "man".

I think you described it accurately. So?

And the original anecdote was definitely worth posting.