My EARLY New Years Resolution


I've decided that I've been having way too much fun laughing, mocking, and shaming the JPP liberals and that it's time to cease.

As of this evening; I will no longer respond to any of their constant whiny posts, regarding Trump winning not only the election, the recount, and the "predicted" faithless electors.

It's become apparent that not only are they not going to be happy about the election outcome; but they don't want to be happy about anything and will just continue to piss and moan, all the while hoping and praying that something will occur that they can rejoice about.

The rest of the JPP posters, who aren't snowflakes, will do as they wish; but it seems to me, to be an exercise in futility.

I've decided that I've been having way too much fun laughing, mocking, and shaming the JPP liberals and that it's time to cease.

As of this evening; I will no longer respond to any of their constant whiny posts, regarding Trump winning not only the election, the recount, and the "predicted" faithless electors.

It's become apparent that not only are they not going to be happy about the election outcome; but they don't want to be happy about anything and will just continue to piss and moan, all the while hoping and praying that something will occur that they can rejoice about.

The rest of the JPP posters, who aren't snowflakes, will do as they wish; but it seems to me, to be an exercise in futility.

So IOW, we remind you of yourself and your right-wing comrades over the past eight years, your own pissing and moaning about Obama and your own not wanting to be happy about anything, right?

Talk about a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

Suggestion: If you want to make a truly worthwhile New Year's resolution, how about you resolve to stop using that douchey sounding "snowflake" word?
So IOW, we remind you of yourself and your right-wing comrades over the past eight years, your own pissing and moaning about Obama and your own not wanting to be happy about anything, right?

Talk about a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

Suggestion: If you want to make a truly worthwhile New Year's resolution, how about you resolve to stop using that douchey sounding "snowflake" word?


I've decided that I've been having way too much fun laughing, mocking, and shaming the JPP liberals and that it's time to cease.

As of this evening; I will no longer respond to any of their constant whiny posts, regarding Trump winning not only the election, the recount, and the "predicted" faithless electors.

It's become apparent that not only are they not going to be happy about the election outcome; but they don't want to be happy about anything and will just continue to piss and moan, all the while hoping and praying that something will occur that they can rejoice about.

The rest of the JPP posters, who aren't snowflakes, will do as they wish; but it seems to me, to be an exercise in futility.


How long do you think you'll stick to this?
How long do you think you'll stick to this?

I intend to make a good faith effort; but I am just human and therefore am prone to lapses.

Of course; I fully expect that there will be those that will only focus on the lapses and completely ignore the attempt.

But thanks for asking. :good4u:
I will make up for his slack as the last 8 years took its toll on my nerves, hair, and BP just like it did Obama. I had the best insurance I ever had before ACA, now one of the worst. The last 8 years seemed like what burning in hell for eternity would be like and now it is our turn after that shitty time. No longer will I have to hear my President get on TV and chastise an officer for putting a thug in the cemetery, no longer will I have to watch my President turn his back on our best ally in the Middle East while sucking up to the worst enemy we have. That motherfucker we have now can't pack his shit soon enough for me.

Merry Christmas!
I will make up for his slack as the last 8 years took its toll on my nerves, hair, and BP just like it did Obama. I had the best insurance I ever had before ACA, now one of the worst. The last 8 years seemed like what burning in hell for eternity would be like and now it is our turn after that shitty time. No longer will I have to hear my President get on TV and chastise an officer for putting a thug in the cemetery, no longer will I have to watch my President turn his back on our best ally in the Middle East while sucking up to the worst enemy we have. That motherfucker we have now can't pack his shit soon enough for me.

Merry Christmas!

Sorry to hear that. I took the last 8 in stride. Yes, I lost 3/4 of my contractor clients from bankruptcies, but it also thinned out my competition, so in the later part my business grew. The first half was slow, and it gave me a chance to get back to my hobbies and sports interests. All the while I knew that something like the Trump phenomenon was bound to happen at the national level. And sure enough, it did. The TEA Party thing was great for my state in 2010, 2012, and again in 2014. Democrats are nearly extinct in Raleigh, and we hold veto-proof majorities in both houses.

Hussein the Obama has been the greatest gift to this great land, because of his Epic Fail.
Sorry to hear that. I took the last 8 in stride. Yes, I lost 3/4 of my contractor clients from bankruptcies, but it also thinned out my competition, so in the later part my business grew. The first half was slow, and it gave me a chance to get back to my hobbies and sports interests. All the while I knew that something like the Trump phenomenon was bound to happen at the national level. And sure enough, it did. The TEA Party thing was great for my state in 2010, 2012, and again in 2014. Democrats are nearly extinct in Raleigh, and we hold veto-proof majorities in both houses.

Hussein the Obama has been the greatest gift to this great land, because of his Epic Fail.

Same here in Kentucky and we elected our first Republican Governor in 44 years but that ACA was very hard to take especially after have my first bout with cancer in October and having to fork over all that money that would have stayed in savings becore ACA.
Same here in Kentucky and we elected our first Republican Governor in 44 years but that ACA was very hard to take especially after have my first bout with cancer in October and having to fork over all that money that would have stayed in savings becore ACA.

I've been lucky there, healthy like a horse, so have been able to find a bare bones policy for less than $400/ month. My wife's company has experienced yuuugghhh premium increases as the services have declined to near-useless.
I will make up for his slack as the last 8 years took its toll on my nerves, hair, and BP just like it did Obama. I had the best insurance I ever had before ACA, now one of the worst. The last 8 years seemed like what burning in hell for eternity would be like and now it is our turn after that shitty time. No longer will I have to hear my President get on TV and chastise an officer for putting a thug in the cemetery, no longer will I have to watch my President turn his back on our best ally in the Middle East while sucking up to the worst enemy we have. That motherfucker we have now can't pack his shit soon enough for me.

Merry Christmas!

I would like to see one other change, in our policies.

I firmly hold to the idea that war should not be our first resort; but when the US goes to war, keep the politicians out of it.
Let the Military do what they've been trained to do and remove that stupid wait until fired on edict.
<yeah I know that's not exactly what it says>

Once the Military has shown the enemy the errors of their ways, then let the politicians handle the "let's play nice" stuff.
I would like to see one other change, in our policies.

I firmly hold to the idea that war should not be our first resort; but when the US goes to war, keep the politicians out of it.
Let the Military do what they've been trained to do and remove that stupid wait until fired on edict.
<yeah I know that's not exactly what it says>

Once the Military has shown the enemy the errors of their ways, then let the politicians handle the "let's play nice" stuff.

Now here's a guy who has seen one two many John Wayne/Chuck Norris films, can tell he's never been in the Army, it ain't the way it works, especially in the 21st Century
I've been lucky there, healthy like a horse, so have been able to find a bare bones policy for less than $400/ month. My wife's company has experienced yuuugghhh premium increases as the services have declined to near-useless.

I had a cadillac plan, the surgery last October was out patient, a little over $24k, I have spent $3,700 so far just for that day, under my old plan it would have been around $500 so that is a huge increase percentage wise. I was healthy as a horse too, but ACA passed just as I was turning 50. Our premiums are more and they cover less including two drugs I pay full price on now.

I hate Obama, Pelosi, and Reid and there in only one time left in their lives that they can make me smile again.
Probably one of those guys who signed up, never been shot at, but liked dressing up in uniform giving candy out to little brown kids.

I grew up during the cold war and Vietnam.

At one time a country wouldn't touch Americans or want the American Military to get involved; because they KNEW that it was a death warrant.
Then the politicians started apologizing for the Military and pushed for "talking" the problems out.

It's my opinion that this denigrated the way our responses would be and now they hope for negotiations and a "peaceful" settlement of their stupidity.
I grew up during the cold war and Vietnam.

At one time a country wouldn't touch Americans or want the American Military to get involved; because they KNEW that it was a death warrant.
Then the politicians started apologizing for the Military and pushed for "talking" the problems out.

It's my opinion that this denigrated the way our responses would be and now they hope for negotiations and a "peaceful" settlement of their stupidity.

We lost Vietnam because we let politicians run the war.
So IOW, we remind you of yourself and your right-wing comrades over the past eight years, your own pissing and moaning about Obama and your own not wanting to be happy about anything, right?

Talk about a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

Suggestion: If you want to make a truly worthwhile New Year's resolution, how about you resolve to stop using that douchey sounding "snowflake" word?

Stop being a snowflake; snowflake