There is a huge difference in electricity used to keep your home at 75. Air conditioning doesn't care about the humidity. It is fighting temperature. When your nights only get down to 90 and your days are at 115 your air conditioning works a lot more than if your nights are down to 80 and your days are 100.
The reason for this is simple physics. The calculation for energy needed to change temperature includes the difference between the two temperatures.
115-75 = 40
100 - 75 = 25
It takes more energy to get your home to 75 on 115degree day than it does on one that is 100.
That's stupid.
If you set your AC at 75 it takes the same amount of energy if it's 80 degrees or 120 outside.
As long as the temp is over what the temp you have it set at the temp doesn't matter.
It runs constantly.