Uhh, I think some of you missed the point. I currently have a girlfriend, two years as of August. Also, I told my ex to get lost. 0_0
I think some of them don't care that you have a current girlfriend

Uhh, I think some of you missed the point. I currently have a girlfriend, two years as of August. Also, I told my ex to get lost. 0_0
yeah nothing wrong with being friends though, albiet it's understandable if your current gf would have a problem with your ex hanging around
Yeah, some people are kind of funny about that, I have never been, I figure if anyone with me wants to be with someone else, then I don't want them.
I'd forgive her at this point and hang out. Go have an adventure. Life is short
Tried that. It didn't work.KILL HER!
Tried that. It didn't work.