There is the rub.... no one is limiting WHAT they can say... they are just leveling the playing field as to WHERE you can say it. Just the same as not being able to yell "fire" in a crowded theatre. It is in the public interest to do so. Under the current system, we end up with the corruption and never ending indebtedness to special interest groups/PACs and wealthy individuals.
How is it the same as yelling fire in a crowded theatre (which btw should be prohibited because it is a property violation, not because it is unacceptable speech)? Who says they may make laws to level the speech? Where is that included in "NO LAWS." Where is the power granted in the constitution?
You can send your message out via the internet, email, speaking in public. You can do it as often as you like. It is simply the type of forum that is being limited....
Why can't congress say no money may be spent in the transmission of email, bb systems or blogs? Do you think that is free? Why don't we have them say you can speak in public but you can't use any resources (like say clothes) while doing so? You are not going to tell me that pants are speech are you?
Maybe, we should further say you can have a gun, but you may not use money to buy one. You can't use any resources to make one either.
Freedom of religion, but no contributions to the church. The church may not pay anyone, for anything. Hey religion is not a bible or a church building.
You are nothing but a collectivist. You have no idea what individual rights are or what limited government implies. To limit the use of property in a speech act is a limit on speech.