My first American immigrant ancestor was a slave trader

Damn you Watermarx. A click on the ancestry page took me an hour to get out of and almost cost me $15 to join since I found people looking for info that I have. Damn you.
My family was here about 100 years before America. In terms of 'American' the first American in my family was a Marine and lawyer.
Sure Mott, just go and change history and your inferior genetic makeup to make it less likely that you Ohioans are naturally inclined to fuck horses and sheep.
Sure Mott, just go and change history and your inferior genetic makeup to make it less likely that you Ohioans are naturally inclined to fuck horses and sheep.
I never denied it! Hell, why do you think hip boots were invented in Ohio? To keep our feet dry. I was just telling you a fact. My great, great, great Uncle was hanged for stealing a horse in Georgia before the clan had moved to Ohio.
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And his son bought his first slave off of him.


Awesome to be so proud of your family history.

Using "Liberal Logic"; you should have all your property confiscated, it should be sold at auction, and you should be forced to walk the land, apologizing to every Black American you see and give them money.
Then you should be hanged, drawn and quartered, and the pieces put on pikes in as many town squares as they can be; to be used as an example of what a terrible heritage you spring from.
Using "Liberal Logic"; you should have all your property confiscated, it should be sold at auction, and you should be forced to walk the land, apologizing to every Black American you see and give them money.
Then you should be hanged, drawn and quartered, and the pieces put on pikes in as many town squares as they can be; to be used as an example of what a terrible heritage you spring from.

And doing all this while singing:

"I'm just a lonely little petunia in an onion patch!"
My family was here about 100 years before America. In terms of 'American' the first American in my family was a Marine and lawyer.
Really, I love it! What is your ancestry, if you don't mind? The Hopi culture is one of my favorites, but I love the Native American culture! The spirituality and respect for the Earth are the finest!