My Future Lover

Gee, I was really hoping Dano would come back & elevate the tone of debate on this thread with songs about fat people & creative jokes about fake genitalia...
I'll see if I can find any of them sometime today. I don't feel like looking now. I'm eating my veggie wrap. It has grilled eggplant. It's good.
I like eggplant.... Mmmmm... I can make a fantastic Gumbo with eggplant.
LOL. I am so!

I was going to write something like, "Are you saying that Al Gore isn't too sexy for Krugman?" But it seemed like you don't like my questions...

Well, if I had to choose between Gore and Krugman, which of course, that's never going to happen I know that, so don't get scared that I've caught the Doniston disease and am now delusional...but if it did happen, I'd actually pick Krugman. I have a real thing for Krugman. It's weird, I know.
Have you seen the opposing show? I don't remember what it is called, but guys go in and show other men what girlie-men they are and how to change that.

If must be a show about girly-men republicans, if the recent rash of news reports involving republicans are true.

If must be a show about girly-men republicans, if the recent rash of news reports involving republicans are true.

"Don't tap your toes!"

It's the first rule.

I only saw one episode. It may be the only one that there ever was.
The difference is, if it was a sane R in there I think we'd be looking at a different thing. As I said, often they voted for things that were vastly different than what they normally would have.

It may have some of the same titles, but the implementation and practice was vastly different than what these people brought to the table in the past.

Yep they are different, but they are the republican parties leaders. Therefore the republican party has changed.
Not just bush. But then republicans are not the party of personal responsibility now are they ?
I'm secure enough in my manly cooking skills to not care whether it makes me "sound gay".


Damocles, this is a good example of the advice I tried to give to you, who do you think you are going to impress with this, almost as if you are bragging about your cooking skills to attract the lefty babes here? If you ever want to be more than a bagger, you will have to do better, especially with RJS around, sorry?