My German Shepherd, Malfoy died on Tuesday May 20th

Do you dress your dog up for Events?
Damocles (I don't know about his wife) used to dress his dogs up for Christmas, Halloween, Forth of July, and Birthdays. It's unfortunate you weren't here to see the costumes. The funny hats, the matching 'dog vests', the little bobbles on the tails, and the 'shoes' ... the little tiny shoes. Quite colorful, very creative, probably expensive.

Still working on it, but yes, I have done so with dogs in the past, but not my current dog, Snoopy, but will work on it. The Cat is another matter.

This is Maggie and Amie (L to R), both now in Doggie Heaven:

On a similar note, one of my favorite Twilight Zone episodes:
Still working on it, but yes, I have done so with dogs in the past, but not my current dog, Snoopy, but will work on it. The Cat is another matter.

This is Maggie and Amie (L to R), both now in Doggie Heaven:

On a similar note, one of my favorite Twilight Zone episodes:

(shaking head) You see Dutch, this is why you are unable to compete.
Damocles has matching outfits. It's a Theme. It's called Bonding.

Learn from the Professionals.
My German Sheppard Malfoy (aka Doofenschmirtz, Doof, Doofus, The Great Goofus III, my Gooftastic Wonderdoof, Malf, GoodBoyDoof, Old Man Goofus, The Old Man Doggus, and more) passed away on Tuesday May 20th. He was one of the best dogs we ever had, he was so very patient with the girls as they grew up. My youngest used to grab his tail and laugh like a little maniac as he dragged her around the house with a huge grin on his kind face. My eldest, at 6 years old saved up $100 to pay for him (though it cost far more than that).


Malfoy, and his kind smile.

He will be sorely missed, as will his packmate Koda.


Here is a picture of Koda, patiently wearing a hat on her last birthday. She passed at 16 years old this year on February 10th.

He was the dog of a million nicknames, everybody's friend.

He missed Koda, his pack mate who passed on February 10th, they lived in our house together with our family for 13 years.


Goodbye, Doofus.... You were a great friend.

sorry to hear that my Stafford shire was loved by us
I love dogs more than most people could understand.

My heart breaks for anybody who loses a beloved dog, whether I like the person or not.

I don't believe in heaven, unfortunately, but if I actually could see all my dogs again, and be with them all at once, that would truly be paradise for me.