My High School is in the News!


Worst gambler ever
I'm so proud. The thing is, that was the coolest school around when I was there 15 years ago. A really great experience, even though there were no broads. It meant the geeks and the jocks were buddies, no caste system.

But, an all boys school will attract perverts I guess.
I'm so proud. The thing is, that was the coolest school around when I was there 15 years ago. A really great experience, even though there were no broads. It meant the geeks and the jocks were buddies, no caste system.

But, an all boys school will attract perverts I guess.

Y'all had some good athletes come out of Crespi right? A couple of guys played football at USC. Did Russel White go there?
Is that why you like it?

Why you always gotta be hatin' on me?

Y'all had some good athletes come out of Crespi right? A couple of guys played football at USC. Did Russel White go there?

Yeah, Russell White, Jeff Suppan was in my class, and there's a half dozen of other pro football and baseball players that came through there. Pretty good for a small school that only turns out 80 or so graduates per year.

Don't forget, one of us became a pretty good internet poster.
Why you always gotta be hatin' on me?

Yeah, Russell White, Jeff Suppan was in my class, and there's a half dozen of other pro football and baseball players that came through there. Pretty good for a small school that only turns out 80 or so graduates per year.

Don't forget, one of us became a pretty good internet poster.

HaHa, did you get voted Best Future Internet Poster your Senior year?
HaHa, did you get voted Best Future Internet Poster your Senior year?

Well, no one even knew what the internet was when I was there. There were geeks and such that had modems, but I graduated in 1993. I was voted best musician and a couple of other things. There were only 80 of us.

I've since come to the grim conclusion that I peaked in February of '93.
Why you always gotta be hatin' on me?

Yeah, Russell White, Jeff Suppan was in my class, and there's a half dozen of other pro football and baseball players that came through there. Pretty good for a small school that only turns out 80 or so graduates per year.

Don't forget, one of us became a pretty good internet poster.

That's right! And a horny one too...there's nothing like a little (or a lot) repression in your formidable years to turn you into a horny adult.

Take it from a former Catholic School girl.
Damn Beefy a school like that has got to cost some dough in Encino.

You must have been a rich kid.
That's right! And a horny one too...there's nothing like a little (or a lot) repression in your formidable years to turn you into a horny adult.

Take it from a former Catholic School girl.

Ah, I love it when you talk like this. I just wish Tooth #8 was here to see it with me.
Damn Beefy a school like that has got to cost some dough in Encino.

You must have been a rich kid.

It was $600 a month when I went there. My parents were fairly well off. You plobably know my last name but don't know it has to do with me.
It was $600 a month when I went there. My parents were fairly well off. You plobably know my last name but don't know it has to do with me.

I really dont know if I would have wanted to have wealthy parents.

I do wish they were a little more clued into how to be an effective parent and a little about how not to have yourself used by people every time you made a move But I could see how even with the benifits of a good education liek you were given being the child of wealth and especially fame would be one great big pain in the ass.

I guess we all have our burdens to bare?
I really dont know if I would have wanted to have wealthy parents.

I do wish they were a little more clued into how to be an effective parent and a little about how not to have yourself used by people every time you made a move But I could see how even with the benifits of a good education liek you were given being the child of wealth and especially fame would be one great big pain in the ass.

I guess we all have our burdens to bare?

I don't have wealth or fame. Neither do my parents anymore. My pop did well until the late 80's, then some shit happened and he lost most of it. But they were always fantastic parents, I didn't even really know they were wealthy until I was about 15.
I don't have wealth or fame. Neither do my parents anymore. My pop did well until the late 80's, then some shit happened and he lost most of it. But they were always fantastic parents, I didn't even really know they were wealthy until I was about 15.

That is the most important part.

My parents were good people just not very intuitive parents.

I can remember my Dad bringing home people he was planning to do business with and beig a child and thinking "oh Dad not this guy hes a creep".

He was a decent an honest man but seemed to be able to get taken at every turn in his life and then would get drunk and use us as his verbal punching bag.

Now that he is gone I sometimes wonder just how much he was even aware of what he did.

I guess it comforts me to see him as clueless.

I cant even imagine what it would be like to have parents you could go get advice on how life works.
I don't have wealth or fame. Neither do my parents anymore. My pop did well until the late 80's, then some shit happened and he lost most of it. But they were always fantastic parents, I didn't even really know they were wealthy until I was about 15.

Did your father work in real estate?
I really think a big part of why high schools are failing is they are too big for the kids to feel like they are part of a community.

I went to a huge puplic high school and it makes you feel like you are expected to act like cattle.

The admin for he most part has no idea who you are and never get to know you because of class size.