My High School is in the News!

That is the most important part.

My parents were good people just not very intuitive parents.

I can remember my Dad bringing home people he was planning to do business with and beig a child and thinking "oh Dad not this guy hes a creep".

He was a decent an honest man but seemed to be able to get taken at every turn in his life and then would get drunk and use us as his verbal punching bag.

Now that he is gone I sometimes wonder just how much he was even aware of what he did.

I guess it comforts me to see him as clueless.

I cant even imagine what it would be like to have parents you could go get advice on how life works.

That sucks. I've been royally fortunate to have a super cool family.

Did your father work in real estate?

No, he was in the Mafia.
I was thinking maybe savings and loans?

No, my pop is the most honest man I know. Everything always was on the up and up with him. He lost his business to a hostile takeover in '88. He never wanted to sell, but some liberal Judge forced the sale.
Liberal judge?


I was just kidding about the SnL.

Sorry to hear about it though , must have broke his heart to lose his business that way.
Liberal judge?


I was just kidding about the SnL.

Sorry to hear about it though , must have broke his heart to lose his business that way.

Well, the judge was a penis anyway. I don't know his politics but yeah, it was hard on him. He started it with $900, and turned it into the largest company of its kind, then the vultures came in.

They are the ones distroying this country in my mind.

My brother in law and a couple of his friends had a great idea for a business and just as they were getting off the ground they had it ripped out from underneath them in the same way.

They are the ones distroying this country in my mind.

My brother in law and a couple of his friends had a great idea for a business and just as they were getting off the ground they had it ripped out from underneath them in the same way.

Yup. Corporate raiders, and the consolidation of businesses via the government fucked my pop out of a huge fortune. Now a multibillion dollar investment corporation owns it, and has butchered it for profit.
I really dont know if I would have wanted to have wealthy parents.
I do wish they were a little more clued into how to be an effective parent and a little about how not to have yourself used by people every time you made a move But I could see how even with the benifits of a good education liek you were given being the child of wealth and especially fame would be one great big pain in the ass.

I guess we all have our burdens to bare?

I wish my parents were filthy stinking rich. man, that was easy.
I wish my MOM was rich too but I would not have wanted to be raised rich after knowing what being poor and having to do it all my self taught me.
I wish my MOM was rich too but I would not have wanted to be raised rich after knowing what being poor and having to do it all my self taught me.

I think I'd be okay reading about being poor while driving an s-class.
I dont even know what an S-class is.

I truely think I understand what it takes to make me happy due to spending time poor.
I dont even know what an S-class is.

I truely think I understand what it takes to make me happy due to spending time poor.

Poor people don't have cool stuff. What do they know about happiness?

LOL , I know people with massive houses and the COOLEST shit in the world who cant even touch my ability to be happy and have fun.

But now that I know how to do that can I please be filthy rich GOD PLEASE!!!!!
LOL , I know people with massive houses and the COOLEST shit in the world who cant even touch my ability to be happy and have fun.

But now that I know how to do that can I please be filthy rich GOD PLEASE!!!!!

Exactly! Now you get it! :D
I was just kidding Tia, I think I will manage to end up with enough money to stay happy the rest of my life , if I really did get rich I would spend the rest of my life helping people.
I was just kidding Tia, I think I will manage to end up with enough money to stay happy the rest of my life , if I really did get rich I would spend the rest of my life helping people.

by 'kidding' do you mean serious?