My hope for the future of the American Conservative Christian Church

No, like I stated, if my children were starving and there was no other way for me to obtain food for them, except by stealing it, I would steal the food to feed my children. I think it would be the morally right thing for me to do.

No stealing, is stealing, it is morally wrong you can't justify it!
War takes innocent lives, is war moral? Is murder justified in war? Does the 10 commandments allow this type of killing?

Go tell it to those who started WW l and WW ll and then tell us how the allies should have waged the war.
Or does your hypocrisy extend only to complaining, with no alternatives or solutions?
What are you moral absolutes? If not killing, then what? Is torture? Rape? Stealing? What are those things that you do that no matter the reason are absolutely, morally wrong?

Obviously you feel stealing is never right, but that killing someone is in certain circumstances, is, so why don't you start by telling us what you feel is moral absolutism. Thanks

you are confusing killing with murdering!
Bad analogy, bombs are dropped with the intent to kill, satellites falling from the sky is an accident, bombing in war is incidental with the thought that innocents will be killed, but too bad, it is just one of the nasty by products of war, collateral damage.

The point is that innocents are not targeted!
Bad analogy, bombs are dropped with the intent to kill, satellites falling from the sky is an accident, bombing in war is incidental with the thought that innocents will be killed, but too bad, it is just one of the nasty by products of war, collateral damage.

So is Abortion Murder? If not why?
Jarod's OP really deserves a groan. I notice it is time stamped just as my very conservative Christian congregation was assembling for morning services yesterday. My sermon yesterday morning would have been I welcomed in 90% of the "conservative" Christian religious places in this country as I talked about self proclaimed Christians who do not act like Christians and by doing so tarnish the name we are to uphold. My sermon last night would have really stepped on the toes of many who have eaten from the trough of liberalism as well as I used Proverbs 22:28 (Do not remove the ancient landmark Which your fathers have set.) and talked about what Jarod often celebrates; the moral decay that has taken place in our country because we have "removed landmarks" that we're never intended to be moved.

In a community of a couple hundred people, we had nearly 60 yesterday morning, with folks driving as far as 40 miles to be there morning and evening. The group of conservative Christians across the road has about 60 as well. I don't think our buildings will be looking like that for a while. But, sadly, that will be the end of all such buildings if the earth stands long enough.

You wrote "My sermon yesterday morning would have been I welcomed in 90% of the "conservative" Christian religious places in this country as I talked about self proclaimed Christians who do not act like Christians and by doing so tarnish the name we are to uphold" and I'm wondering why very conservative congregations can be so hateful about Catholics.
As one who grew up Baptist Christian here is what I think about the Christian conservative faith: homophobic, racist, and sexist. It was conservatives like the Westboro Baptist Church that protested at the funerals of our dead soldiers. It was conservatives like Harold Camping predicting the doom of the Earth. I don't care how long conservatives drive to your church, I can say without restraint or remorse that I hate every single conservative Christian's beliefs with passion and fierceness because I think the average conservative Christian makes the loving teachings of Jesus perverse and hateful. I would never step foot in your church even if Jesus himself asked me to. I wouldn't even piss on your church to put a fire out that is how much I hate conservative Christian philosophies.

I've had conservatives come up to me on the streets to preach to me and without disrespecting them I've kindly told conservatives I'm not interested and that I'm agnostic and I was told "you're a son of Satan and you'll burn in hell." Yes very passionate and loving philosophies of Jesus. If Jesus came to me and asked me "why did you turn away from me" I'll point to Christian schims and the various confusing philosophies of Christendom. I'll reference the Crusades and that rhetorical phrase "God wills it!" I'll point to the conservative Christians who stood by idle as many of my relatives were hung from trees or the multitude of humans shipped and docked on the shores of West Virginia in the 1600's. I'll point out the actions of the gunman who gunned down innocent Christians and Jews and defiantly yelled "Heil Hitler" as he was carted away in a police cruiser. No, I honestly and sincerely hate your faith.

I can see you're passionate about this topic and understand why because I've been through it myself with people who hate Catholics. I don't actually hate fundamentalists but I can get very angry about what some of them do and teach, and that means conservative Catholics too. I dislike the moral superiority some of them assume and the belief that they alone have a hotline to the Almighty. And I detest the lack of charity, the preachiness and intolerance of others' beliefs that's a hallmark of rabid fundies. A famous example of the type would be Kirk Cameron.
With no moral absolutes, there is no right, or wrong, your argument is defeated. Yes I would be wrong to steal!

Yes I would be justified to kill the man trying to kill my family, my family was entrusted to me by God!

Sounds like for you it's all justice, no mercy.
While there are certainly some that call themselves Christian that are indeed fitting of the above description, I think you will find they are the very vocal minority.

That is hardly a 'conservative' church. That is a bunch of radical nuts.

There are radicals from left to right that do the same. They are a small minority... albeit very vocal in some cases.

Keep in mind that Leaning is probably one of the most tolerant/forgiving/even handed people on this board. While I share some of your views on radical 'Christians', I would urge you to reconsider your views towards Leaning and the church he preaches at.

Would you want to be judged based on extremists within any groups/segments of society that you are a par of? Think about, if you will, how you feel when a black person gets pulled over for 'driving while black'. Hating an entire faith due to bad encounters with some of that faiths extremists?

just my two cents.

I like leaningright and see that he's a smart guy but he's made a couple of anti-Catholic comments I found troubling from a man of God.
They just hate their elder churches, and the Catholic Church is nearly 1500 years older than these young punk churches. Kids today...

It's like they don't realize that the Catholic/Orthodox faiths have an unbroken line to Jesus and that Protestants didn't come along until 1500+ years later.
I like leaningright and see that he's a smart guy but he's made a couple of anti-Catholic comments I found troubling from a man of God.
Catholicism is a works based Faith, which places more emphasis on Mary than Jesus, having said that I believe many Catholics are going to Heaven based on their realization that Jesus died for them.
Catholicism is a works based Faith, which places more emphasis on Mary than Jesus, having said that I believe many Catholics are going to Heaven based on their realization that Jesus died for them.

Absolutely 100% wrong. Catholics worship Jesus and honor Mary, a huge difference. Also:

The Catholic Church is Trinitarian and defines its mission as spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ,[SUP][12][/SUP] administering the sacraments[SUP][13][/SUP] and exercising charity.[SUP][14][/SUP] Catholic worship is highly liturgical, focusing on the Mass or Divine Liturgy during which the sacrament of the Eucharist is celebrated.
They are not TARGETED.

Yes, they are, but the target, and the outcome in the military's opinion outweigh the loss of innocent lives. It is denying the facts that innocents are targeted along with the guilty because the end results in the minds of the military outweigh those innocent lives lost. It is a fact of war that those like you try to candy coat, but there is no way around it. The military men know the hard facts of bombing. The innocent will die with the guilty.
Absolutely 100% wrong. Catholics worship Jesus and honor Mary, a huge difference.

Nonsense they pray to Mary, and confess to Priests. The pray in vain repetition as the heathen do, to be forgiven for their sins. Salvation is based on what the Church says, and not on simple belief in Jesus as payment for their sins, and repentance. They Gamble to make money for the church, and drink like fish
Yes, they are, but the target, and the outcome in the military's opinion outweigh the loss of innocent lives. It is denying the facts that innocents are targeted along with the guilty because the end results in the minds of the military outweigh those innocent lives lost. It is a fact of war that those like you try to candy coat, but there is no way around it. The military men know the hard facts of bombing. The innocent will die with the guilty.

They do not specifically target civilians, and the fact is that especially Terrorists hide their weapons in Hospitals, schools and mosques make it very hard on the military who take great strides not to kill innocents.