My hope for the future of the American Conservative Christian Church

Jesus didn't say this, go read Jesus words, not Paul's or do you follow Paul?

Plus, this verse is often misinterpret. What did Jesus instruct you to do for the poor?

Early Christians lived communally, they were socialist, they pooled their resources. This verse in Thelossians was chastising those Christians who quit working because they were waiting for the end of the world. This verse was not addressing the poor.

Christians take the text out of the times and it is most unfortunate when they do so.

Proverbs 21:25

Viewing the King James Version

The desire of the slothful killeth him; for his hands refuse to labour.

Proverbs 19:15

Viewing the King James Version.

Slothfulness casteth into a deep sleep; and an idle soul shall suffer hunger.
Proverbs 21:25

Viewing the King James Version

The desire of the slothful killeth him; for his hands refuse to labour.

Proverbs 19:15

Viewing the King James Version.

Slothfulness casteth into a deep sleep; and an idle soul shall suffer hunger.

Tedious blather. What did the Church of Jesus do? What do YOU do? You need to be very, very ashamed,
Jesus didn't say this, go read Jesus words, not Paul's or do you follow Paul?

Plus, this verse is often misinterpret. What did Jesus instruct you to do for the poor?

Early Christians lived communally, they were socialist, they pooled their resources. This verse in Thelossians was chastising those Christians who quit working because they were waiting for the end of the world. This verse was not addressing the poor.

Christians take the text out of the times and it is most unfortunate when they do so.

2 Timothy 3:16

New American Standard Bible (NASB)

16 All Scripture is [a]inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness;

For you IOLO
2 Timothy 3:16

New American Standard Bible (NASB)

16 All Scripture is [a]inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness;

For you IOLO

For you - tedious capitalist GUFF! Christianity is what Jesus said and his Church did, not your self-serving nonsense.
2 Timothy 3:16

New American Standard Bible (NASB)

16 All Scripture is [a]inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness;

For you IOLO

Funny, Timothy probably thought the book of Enoch was inspired scripture, Jesus quoted it, but it didn't make the cut of inspired scripture. Crazy, huh!
Funny, Timothy probably thought the book of Enoch was inspired scripture, Jesus quoted it, but it didn't make the cut of inspired scripture. Crazy, huh!

Scholars estimate the date of the letters from Timothy to be 63 CE, the earliest Gospel was 70 CE. Paul never mentions the Gospels. Are you aware of all this? So which scriptures are sacred? Do you think Timothy thought of his letters as scripture?
Early Christians lived communally, they were socialist, they pooled their resources.

that would contradict what we read in 1 Corinthians 11....he criticized members of the church for eating all the food at the weekly Lord's Supper celebration, leaving nothing for those who came later.....he told them if they were too hungry to wait for the others they should eat at their own homes before they meet together.....

obviously if they lived communally there would be no "your own homes" to eat at.....
Scholars estimate the date of the letters from Timothy to be 63 CE, the earliest Gospel was 70 CE. Paul never mentions the Gospels. Are you aware of all this? So which scriptures are sacred? Do you think Timothy thought of his letters as scripture?

first of all, the letters were TO Timothy, not from him...second, what we call the Gospels were a written record of what the apostles had been communicating orally since would be foolish to assume Paul was not familiar with them, particularly since the book of Acts describes several meetings between Paul and the apostles.....
first of all, the letters were TO Timothy, not from him...second, what we call the Gospels were a written record of what the apostles had been communicating orally since would be foolish to assume Paul was not familiar with them, particularly since the book of Acts describes several meetings between Paul and the apostles.....

Careful, you have proof on your side, now they have to run and find some atheists opinion!
Careful, you have proof on your side, now they have to run and find some atheists opinion!

PMP is so confused about scripture I wouldn't listen to him, and I don't use atheists for my references, I use scholars from Princeton, Harvard and other accredited universities. PMP makes his up as he goes along.
PMP is so confused about scripture I wouldn't listen to him, and I don't use atheists for my references, I use scholars from Princeton, Harvard and other accredited universities. PMP makes his up as he goes along.

Got it so atheists from Harvard, Princeton, and other God hating diversities.
Funny, Timothy probably thought the book of Enoch was inspired scripture, Jesus quoted it, but it didn't make the cut of inspired scripture. Crazy, huh!

Is the Book of Enoch really a lost book of the Bible? A born-again Christian who has been reading the Bible for several years only needs to read the "Book of Enoch" briefly to know that something is very wrong. There are so many obvious flaws with this alleged missing book of God's Word. It is clear to me that someone copied from the Bible and wrote this garbage. The same type of mumbo-jumbo can be readily observed in the Qur'an. I do NOT believe that Enoch, who lived during the time period of Genesis, wrote this manuscript. Evidently the King James translators didn't either, and for good reason. The Devil is working relentlessly to corrupt God's Word, as he has been doing since the Garden of Eden, when he caused Eve to doubt God's Word. Satan is so shrewd that he even tried to confuse our Lord by misinterpreting the Scriptures in Matthew 4:1-10. In these apostate times, the Word of God is under attack like never before. The reason why is simple... if Satan can pervert the Word of God into a lie, then he can control the masses!

He certainly controls you!
Sadly both Princeton and Harvard were founded by giant theological minds. They have however long since been adrift from their theological founding.

PMP has not had his facts disproven nor his opinions well challenged in this thread.
Is the Book of Enoch really a lost book of the Bible? A born-again Christian who has been reading the Bible for several years only needs to read the "Book of Enoch" briefly to know that something is very wrong. There are so many obvious flaws with this alleged missing book of God's Word. It is clear to me that someone copied from the Bible and wrote this garbage. The same type of mumbo-jumbo can be readily observed in the Qur'an. I do NOT believe that Enoch, who lived during the time period of Genesis, wrote this manuscript. Evidently the King James translators didn't either, and for good reason. The Devil is working relentlessly to corrupt God's Word, as he has been doing since the Garden of Eden, when he caused Eve to doubt God's Word. Satan is so shrewd that he even tried to confuse our Lord by misinterpreting the Scriptures in Matthew 4:1-10. In these apostate times, the Word of God is under attack like never before. The reason why is simple... if Satan can pervert the Word of God into a lie, then he can control the masses!

He certainly controls you!

So it was good enough for Jesus, but you think it's jumbo jumbo, lol, okay there Christian. I guess you know better than your Savior, which is hysterical.
Sadly both Princeton and Harvard were founded by giant theological minds. They have however long since been adrift from their theological founding.

PMP has not had his facts disproven nor his opinions well challenged in this thread.

I don't read him, but seeing his quotes in other threads proves he is such a fool, not acquainted with modern archeology or studies, he quit learning back in the 70's, if he really ever did get a degree, which I question.

Your opinion on Harvard and Princeton are just your opinions and not backed any facts, sorry.
Is the Book of Enoch really a lost book of the Bible? A born-again Christian who has been reading the Bible for several years only needs to read the "Book of Enoch" briefly to know that something is very wrong. There are so many obvious flaws with this alleged missing book of God's Word. It is clear to me that someone copied from the Bible and wrote this garbage. The same type of mumbo-jumbo can be readily observed in the Qur'an. I do NOT believe that Enoch, who lived during the time period of Genesis, wrote this manuscript. Evidently the King James translators didn't either, and for good reason. The Devil is working relentlessly to corrupt God's Word, as he has been doing since the Garden of Eden, when he caused Eve to doubt God's Word. Satan is so shrewd that he even tried to confuse our Lord by misinterpreting the Scriptures in Matthew 4:1-10. In these apostate times, the Word of God is under attack like never before. The reason why is simple... if Satan can pervert the Word of God into a lie, then he can control the masses!

He certainly controls you!

Did you plagiarize this patriot? Are you also a thief?
I don't read him, but seeing his quotes in other threads proves he is such a fool, not acquainted with modern archeology or studies, he quit learning back in the 70's, if he really ever did get a degree, which I question.

Your opinion on Harvard and Princeton are just your opinions and not backed any facts, sorry.

I have not seen any evidence that PMP has been factually wrong in this thread.

What I said about the founding and the consequent current positions of Harvard and Princeton are not opinions.
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So it was good enough for Jesus, but you think it's jumbo jumbo, lol, okay there Christian. I guess you know better than your Savior, which is hysterical.

We read in chapter 40 of the Book of Enoch...

1 And after that I saw thousands of thousands and ten thousand times ten thousand, I saw a multitude
2 beyond number and reckoning, who stood before the Lord of Spirits. And on the four sides of the Lord of Spirits I saw four presences, different from those that sleep not, and I learnt their names: for the angel that went with me made known to me their names, and showed me all the hidden things.
3 And I heard the voices of those four presences as they uttered praises before the Lord of glory.
4 The first voice blesses the Lord of Spirits for ever and ever.
5 And the second voice I heard blessing
6 the Elect One and the elect ones who hang upon the Lord of Spirits. And the third voice I heard pray and intercede for those who dwell on the earth and supplicate in the name of the Lord of Spirits.
7 And I heard the fourth voice fending off the Satans and forbidding them to come before the Lord
8 of Spirits to accuse them who dwell on the earth. After that I asked the angel of peace who went with me, who showed me everything that is hidden: ‘Who are these four presences which I have
9 seen and whose words I have heard and written down?’ And he said to me: ‘This first is Michael, the merciful and long-suffering: and the second, who is set over all the diseases and all the wounds of the children of men, is Raphael: and the third, who is set over all the powers, is Gabriel: and the fourth, who is set over the repentance unto hope of those who inherit eternal life, is named Phanuel.’
10 And these are the four angels of the Lord of Spirits and the four voices I heard in those days.

The Bible never mentions an angel named Phanuel, let alone an angel who is set over the repentance of those who inherit eternal life. What blasphemy! That statement in itself contradicts everything the Word of God teaches. We read in 1st Timothy 2:5 that Jesus Christ is the ONLY Mediator between God and men, not some angel named Phanuel... "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus." Repentance is strictly between a man and Jesus Christ alone. Only Jesus died for our sins, and shed His blood to pay for them (1st Peter 1:18-19); therefore, we must be diligent to guard and defend against LIARS and imposters who would lead people to believe otherwise. 1st John 2:22 clearly indicts all Christ-deniers as LIARS, guilty before God.