My hope is that the right wing hate party doesn't bolt on scum bag

That's only if conservative working-class Americans abandon the RNC. Considering how insane the Right has become, that might not happen.
The hate party relies heavily on two major lies. That Dems are Commies which is a hoot and that Democrats want their guns which is nonsense, take this two lies away from them and they have no party. First there is no Commies in this country and the problem with the second is that the dems know what the 2nd amendment means anyway in both cases this hate group they call a party has no clue , They are one string puppets with a ring in their nose. I think the word I'm looking for is stupidity. You can't support a hate group that exist for the transfer of wealth to the top when your not part of that golden few. Everything else is bullshit for votes. Gun Laws, freedom, the flag, the constitution, Christianity They only wag that tail for stupid peoples votes. They don't give a shit about anything other then what their job is and that the transfer of every dime of new wealth in this country to the golden few. Something I may ad they have achieve since the 1981 trickle down lie.
God Dam I wonder what happened in 1981.
Hoping upon hope that just Knowing what a criminal ,sellout to the country, it's flag and the constitution isn't enough to bail on scum bag. Because if they keep him with whats coming in daily , the hate party as a whole will disappear and there is nothing better for this great country and us patriots. When the hate party is gone the patriots in this country will help the Conservative build a party with our time and money but if they just try to going back to just another hate group again, that only exists for the golden few then they will be gone again.

You're just a hater.
Trump is very concerned about Repubs bailing on him. He has demanded a show of their loyalty. The Repubs delivered twice yesterday when they broke into the house investigations and when Lindsey introduced a bill asking the investigation to be condemned. He had 44 Senators sign up proving they were putty in Trumps short fingers. Did they ask how high when Trump said jump?
Too bad for Trump. There are cracks in his Repub politicians. It is getting tough to defend him when they go home. But it is impossible to show independence when they are in Washington. It cannot be much fun being a Republican congressman. You never know what absurd thing you will have to defend tomorrow. But every day , you are less of a man and more a Trump sycophant.
Trump is very concerned about Repubs bailing on him. He has demanded a show of their loyalty. The Repubs delivered twice yesterday when they broke into the house investigations and when Lindsey introduced a bill asking the investigation to be condemned. He had 44 Senators sign up proving they were putty in Trumps short fingers. Did they ask how high when Trump said jump?
Too bad for Trump. There are cracks in his Repub politicians. It is getting tough to defend him when they go home. But it is impossible to show independence when they are in Washington. It cannot be much fun being a Republican congressman. You never know what absurd thing you will have to defend tomorrow. But every day , you are less of a man and more a Trump sycophant.

It is appalling to see this happen to what was once a great country.
What about it? Why is the only defense of Trump's corruption that the Democrats aren't perfect?

That's another lie pebbleBUTT. Trump's defense s the FACT that he hasn't committed any crimes or advanced any corruption. That is the sole purview of the Party of the Jackass. ;)

The DNC has plenty of problems, but the RNC has gone full Fascist by completely supporting a criminal who destroys everything he touches.

That's another lie pebbleBUTT. Name ONE FACTUAL thing that is Fascist about the RNC. Name ONE FACTUAL crime Trump has been charged with. :rolleyes:

^^Erupting with the usual clueless, brain dead yammering he always does. Boring. :rolleyes: