My house still exists

But as we keep building on the hurricane prone costal areas the damage costs will continue to rise.

I assume we should just abandon an entire coastal area?

Should all of Japan and costal China be abandoned too because of the much stronger Typhoons that regularly occur there?
I assume we should just abandon an entire coastal area?

Should all of Japan and costal China be abandoned too because of the much stronger Typhoons that regularly occur there?

How about we just accept that a hurricane can destroy a house miles inland?
I assume we should just abandon an entire coastal area?

Except for necessary shipping activities and temproary recreational activities. yes that would be the logical thing to do. But then we are humans, so it will not happen.

I grew up around people living on river banks and getting flooded out every few years. A few learned and sold their places to other fools. People have short memories.
How about we just accept that a hurricane can destroy a house miles inland?

Not my invincible house.

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Except for necessary shipping activities and temproary recreational activities. yes that would be the logical thing to do. But then we are humans, so it will not happen.

I grew up around people living on river banks and getting flooded out every few years. A few learned and sold their places to other fools. People have short memories.

It's just part of the cost of living US. It's not anywhere near unbearable to rebuild once every half a century. If it were the logical, cost effective thing to do, people would have done it. But they did not, and I'm sure quite a few of them were smarter the armchair general USC.