My Independent Message To Republican Congress Members


Diversity Makes Greatness
Thank you for serving in our government. Thank you for making your life a public spectacle, giving up your privacy and serving our country. It is a very great honor to be chosen and to rise to the demands of doing the work that makes our nation possible. I appreciate all you have gone through and I am grateful.

I hope you really meant it when you swore to protect our Constitution:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."

I don't see a single word in there about protecting and defending the President.

You swore to support and defend the Constitution. The Constitution includes the power to impeach the President when it has become clear that the President's actions are in violation of his oath, and that to allow him to stay in office would cause further harm to the Constitution. Only YOU can make the decision to remove the President. WE, THE PEOPLE, all of us, not just Republicans, but ALL OF US, are counting on you to do your duty. We are NOT asking you to serve your party or look out for your own political future. We are especially counting on you to do your duty OVER any personal or party considerations. We are counting on your solemn word to bear true faith in YOUR OBLIGATION without 'purpose of evasion,' (ie partisanship) to show your allegiance to the Constitution.

That is what you swore to do.

If this President is allowed to get away with stonewalling Congress then that means any President is unimpeachable for as long as he can drag out subpoena battles in courts. That is unacceptable. That increases the power of the Presidency and weakens the power of the US House of Representatives. That upsets the balance of powers and it weakens the Constitution you swore to support, defend and bear allegiance to, with no partisan consideration. The USA is 'your party' now.

I hope you consider very well how history will look back on the decision you will soon have to make. I want you to do the right thing. And I have no doubt that if you do, you will NEVER regret it. There may be costs, but they are worth it for the peace of mind of knowing you did the right thing. Now is the time to do the right thing for your country, the country you serve.

Thank you. We're counting on you.
My Independent Message To Republican Congress Members

YOU???? An independent?????

Thank you for serving in our government. Thank you for making your life a public spectacle, giving up your privacy and serving our country. It is a very great honor to be chosen and to rise to the demands of doing the work that makes our nation possible. I appreciate all you have gone through and I am grateful.

I hope you really meant it when you swore to protect our Constitution:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."

I don't see a single word in there about protecting and defending the President.

You swore to support and defend the Constitution. The Constitution includes the power to impeach the President when it has become clear that the President's actions are in violation of his oath, and that to allow him to stay in office would cause further harm to the Constitution. Only YOU can make the decision to remove the President. WE, THE PEOPLE, all of us, not just Republicans, but ALL OF US, are counting on you to do your duty. We are NOT asking you to serve your party or look out for your own political future. We are especially counting on you to do your duty OVER any personal or party considerations. We are counting on your solemn word to bear true faith in YOUR OBLIGATION without 'purpose of evasion,' (ie partisanship) to show your allegiance to the Constitution.

That is what you swore to do.

If this President is allowed to get away with stonewalling Congress then that means any President is unimpeachable for as long as he can drag out subpoena battles in courts. That is unacceptable. That increases the power of the Presidency and weakens the power of the US House of Representatives. That upsets the balance of powers and it weakens the Constitution you swore to support, defend and bear allegiance to, with no partisan consideration. The USA is 'your party' now.

I hope you consider very well how history will look back on the decision you will soon have to make. I want you to do the right thing. And I have no doubt that if you do, you will NEVER regret it. There may be costs, but they are worth it for the peace of mind of knowing you did the right thing. Now is the time to do the right thing for your country, the country you serve.

Thank you. We're counting on you.

I would expect Trump supporters to not care about the Constitution when they have choose between protecting the Constitution and protecting Trump.

They really don't care about the United States at all. They are too mesmerized by the cult messaging. They've got their priorities straight. First it's Trump, then anything else such as the Constitution.
Hello FastLane,

Like you ignored my question about Obama's Abuse of Office by executing an American citizen without a trial and due process.

Fastlane, you're taking a disrespectful turn here. It's rude to barge into a conversation with unfounded accusations from another thread. If you wish for us to continue having discussions this animosity must end. I've done nothing to you, said nothing about you. I've only expressed my view, to which I am entitled. If you feel otherwise you are welcome to state your own view. Making personal attacks is not welcome. You are getting the benefit of the doubt one last time here. As I explained previously, my rules are more strict than the site rules. If you want me to talk to you they will have to be observed. This has never been a problem for good respectful people. I hope that includes you.
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I would expect Trump supporters to not care about the Constitution when they have choose between protecting the Constitution and protecting Trump.

They really don't care about the United States at all. They are too mesmerized by the cult messaging. They've got their priorities straight. First it's Trump, then anything else such as the Constitution.

I used to hear/see the word "Constitution" thrown about liberally (see what I did there? lol) when the occupant of our WH had a (D) after his name. It was thrown about by Reichwingers who claimed on a nearly daily basis that Obama was somehow destroying it by every single action and word. You don't hear them mention that formerly-sacred document any more. I wonder why.
Hello ThatOwlWoman,

I used to hear/see the word "Constitution" thrown about liberally (see what I did there? lol) when the occupant of our WH had a (D) after his name. It was thrown about by Reichwingers who claimed on a nearly daily basis that Obama was somehow destroying it by every single action and word. You don't hear them mention that formerly-sacred document any more. I wonder why.

I don't know why we should expect such minds to understand the Constitution now if they didn't then.

It's just like the debt to them. It's some sort of intangible thing that has no bearing on their immediate day to day life, so they don't care about it. When it meant attacking Obama, the debt and the Constitution were used as verbal weapons. They didn't really care about what verbal weapons they were using, didn't care about the weapons really at all, the point was to attack Obama. Many of the birthers even supported impeaching Obama. Few of us have conflated that into any sort of wild belief that the entire right wanted that.

They see us as attacking President Trump for no reason. They think we have been trying to overturn the 2016 election ever since inauguration day. They found one person who talked about impeachment that day, and they have inflated that in their minds to mean the entire left has been trying to force him out the whole time. They way they see it, either we are with them or we are against them. Any connection between their 'alternate facts' and reality is purely coincidental.
Hello ThatOwlWoman,

I don't know why we should expect such minds to understand the Constitution now if they didn't then.

It's just like the debt to them. It's some sort of intangible thing that has no bearing on their immediate day to day life, so they don't care about it. When it meant attacking Obama, the debt and the Constitution were used as verbal weapons. They didn't really care about what verbal weapons they were using, didn't care about the weapons really at all, the point was to attack Obama. Many of the birthers even supported impeaching Obama. Few of us have conflated that into any sort of wild belief that the entire right wanted that.

They see us as attacking President Trump for no reason. They think we have been trying to overturn the 2016 election ever since inauguration day. They found one person who talked about impeachment that day, and they have inflated that in their minds to mean the entire left has been trying to force him out the whole time. They way they see it, either we are with them or we are against them. Any connection between their 'alternate facts' and reality is purely coincidental.

I always laugh when I see both the cretins here, and the elected morons on DC, repeat the myth that the impeachment is just sour grapes for losing the election in 2016, the (D)s never got over it, etc. Trump is the only one who brings up that election all the time -- and that's usually to claim that he had the most votes and the most beautiful votes in history, and all those Clinton votes were by illegals. He knows that isn't true but that's how he soothes his butthurt feelz about actually losing.
Hello ThatOwlWoman,

I always laugh when I see both the cretins here, and the elected morons on DC, repeat the myth that the impeachment is just sour grapes for losing the election in 2016, the (D)s never got over it, etc. Trump is the only one who brings up that election all the time -- and that's usually to claim that he had the most votes and the most beautiful votes in history, and all those Clinton votes were by illegals. He knows that isn't true but that's how he soothes his butthurt feelz about actually losing.

I've said it before and I'll keep saying it, since it doesn't seem to register unless it is repeated a few thousand times. It is not logical to wait until a term of office is nearing end to try to undo an election. OK? That makes no sense. Let's put it into terms that even haters can understand: 'Even Democrats aren't that dumb.'

The stuff they are believing is pure propaganda. Democrats are not so stupid that they would wait until a term of office is nearly complete before trying to prevent it from occurring. The very notion of it is ridiculous. The reason we are having an impeachment now is because Democrats have been forced into it. Trump tried to cover this up. He violated his oath. He got found out, so now he is being called out on the carpet. That's it. There is no 'the whole time' about it. Anybody who thinks there is has been misled.
Hello FastLane,

Fastlane, you're taking a disrespectful turn here. It's rude to barge into a conversation with unfounded accusations from another thread. If you wish for us to continue having discussions this animosity must end. I've done nothing to you, said nothing about you. I've only expressed my view, to which I am entitled. If you feel otherwise you are welcome to state your own view. Making personal attacks is not welcome. You are getting the benefit of the doubt one last time here. As I explained previously, my rules are more strict than the site rules. If you want me to talk to you they will have to be observed. This has never been a problem for good respectful people. I hope that includes you.
Its RUDE to just ignore a legitimate question so I'm giving one last chance here to show that you are an honest debater. Answer the quest here or the other thread but don't cut and run. So take this as your last chance.
Goodbye FastLane,

Its RUDE to just ignore a legitimate question so I'm giving one last chance here to show that you are an honest debater. Answer the quest here or the other thread but don't cut and run. So take this as your last chance.

Doubling down was not a good idea.
