My Instinctive Brain Knows vs Your Intellectual Minds Don't Know Or Won't Say.


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I navigate living as a mutually evolving reproduction only timed apart so far, arrived since conceived into an ever changing compounding result life has achieved so far.

My brain can filter between syllables of potential outcomes like there never was a tomorrow arriving each rotation of the planet. yet every reality says that isn't possible but my thinking accounts for life becoming exactly the behavior acted out now.

Specific is everyone doing what is taking place including myself mutually evolving from now on. Eternal life only exists occupying space so far.
I navigate living as a mutually evolving reproduction only timed apart so far, arrived since conceived into an ever changing compounding result life has achieved so far. My brain can filter between syllables of potential outcomes like there never was a tomorrow arriving each rotation of the planet. yet every reality says that isn't possible but my thinking accounts for life becoming exactly the behavior acted out now. Specific is everyone doing what is taking place including myself mutually evolving from now on. Eternal life only exists occupying space so far.

How is this a "Current Event"?
I navigate living as a mutually evolving reproduction only timed apart so far, arrived since conceived into an ever changing compounding result life has achieved so far.

My brain can filter between syllables of potential outcomes like there never was a tomorrow arriving each rotation of the planet. yet every reality says that isn't possible but my thinking accounts for life becoming exactly the behavior acted out now.

Specific is everyone doing what is taking place including myself mutually evolving from now on. Eternal life only exists occupying space so far.

Hey there Serenity. Will you please interpret this for us?

"The move from a structuralist account in which capital is understood to structure social relations in relatively homologous ways to a view of hegemony in which power relations are subject to repetition, convergence, and rearticulation brought the question of temporality into the thinking of structure, and marked a shift from a form of Althusserian theory that takes structural totalities as theoretical objects to one in which the insights into the contingent possibility of structure inaugurate a renewed conception of hegemony as bound up with the contingent sites and strategies of the rearticulation of power."
Hey there Serenity. Will you please interpret this for us?

"The move from a structuralist account in which capital is understood to structure social relations in relatively homologous ways to a view of hegemony in which power relations are subject to repetition, convergence, and rearticulation brought the question of temporality into the thinking of structure, and marked a shift from a form of Althusserian theory that takes structural totalities as theoretical objects to one in which the insights into the contingent possibility of structure inaugurate a renewed conception of hegemony as bound up with the contingent sites and strategies of the rearticulation of power."

How to convince humans real isn't real unless playing a role in saving humanity historically so far. Its the core of mind over matter philosophies and symbolism over substance governance of "we say so and You better obey or else your future ends here.".
How is this a "Current Event"?

How is it not since life consists of mutually evolving replacements of those making their reproduction happen ancestrally so far. You govern your thoughts by intellectual time relativity, I govern my thinking as adapting to never being the same in the same time everything outside my skin is mutually evolving now.

Navigating life as only limited to timed apart now I put my ancestral form back together without time line statistical averaged facts but compounding cellular changes since conceived to be a human lifetime centered universally here mutually evolving as any other replacement of reproducers to my specific DNA.

Kinetic self evident life in plain sight, simple compounding rule of 72 applied to DNA transfers of ancestral progression of any species native to this atmosphere since inception of each species gone extinct, still reproducing, now species added from now on.

timeless event horizons is the key.
I navigate living as a mutually evolving reproduction only timed apart so far, arrived since conceived into an ever changing compounding result life has achieved so far.

My brain can filter between syllables of potential outcomes like there never was a tomorrow arriving each rotation of the planet. yet every reality says that isn't possible but my thinking accounts for life becoming exactly the behavior acted out now.

Specific is everyone doing what is taking place including myself mutually evolving from now on. Eternal life only exists occupying space so far.

Bret just recently said that intuition is the brains ability to pick out patterns that the conscious mind can not....or at least cant not articulate in language....and that sounds right.

We of the Zen frame of mind spend a lot of energy training our intuition.
I navigate living as a mutually evolving reproduction only timed apart so far, arrived since conceived into an ever changing compounding result life has achieved so far.

My brain can filter between syllables of potential outcomes like there never was a tomorrow arriving each rotation of the planet. yet every reality says that isn't possible but my thinking accounts for life becoming exactly the behavior acted out now.

Specific is everyone doing what is taking place including myself mutually evolving from now on. Eternal life only exists occupying space so far.

Hey I know........I bet you and the Chinabot could have some REALLY stimulating conversations together. You ought to track him down and go to the private conversation board. That ought to keep you two busy for the next ten years or so!
Hey there Serenity. Will you please interpret this for us?

"The move from a structuralist account in which capital is understood to structure social relations in relatively homologous ways to a view of hegemony in which power relations are subject to repetition, convergence, and rearticulation brought the question of temporality into the thinking of structure, and marked a shift from a form of Althusserian theory that takes structural totalities as theoretical objects to one in which the insights into the contingent possibility of structure inaugurate a renewed conception of hegemony as bound up with the contingent sites and strategies of the rearticulation of power."

Do you understand anything this person posts? I dont
I navigate living as a mutually evolving reproduction only timed apart so far, arrived since conceived into an ever changing compounding result life has achieved so far.

My brain can filter between syllables of potential outcomes like there never was a tomorrow arriving each rotation of the planet. yet every reality says that isn't possible but my thinking accounts for life becoming exactly the behavior acted out now.

Specific is everyone doing what is taking place including myself mutually evolving from now on. Eternal life only exists occupying space so far.

That was entertaining.

Sounds a bit like Mike Pence- Sounds very intelligent and noble- BUT ACTUALLY SAYS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

I think you qualify to stand in for Kayleigh while she has the Rona!

That was entertaining.

Sounds a bit like Mike Pence- Sounds very intelligent and noble- BUT ACTUALLY SAYS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

I think you qualify to stand in for Kayleigh while she has the Rona!


All that while the lying racist groping imbecile Joe Biden scratches his ass and sniffs his finger.
Okay I'll try to interpret.

I navigate living as a mutually evolving reproduction only timed apart so far, arrived since conceived into an ever changing compounding result life has achieved so far.

I go through life through cell reproduction by evolution, timed carefully, since conception.

My brain can filter between syllables of potential outcomes like there never was a tomorrow arriving each rotation of the planet. yet every reality says that isn't possible but my thinking accounts for life becoming exactly the behavior acted out now.

This one is more difficult.

My brain can see potential outcomes now as if there isn't tomorrow, yet reality shows that it's impossible and yet my "predictions" of my future actions keep coming true.

Specific is everyone doing what is taking place including myself mutually evolving from now on. Eternal life only exists occupying space so far.

The outcomes have all come true. Thus the eternal life is between space and time.