My Instinctive Brain Knows vs Your Intellectual Minds Don't Know Or Won't Say.

Hey I know........I bet you and the Chinabot could have some REALLY stimulating conversations together. You ought to track him down and go to the private conversation board. That ought to keep you two busy for the next ten years or so!

Nobody does. LOL.

Can you even deypher what this person posts?

Good. I thought it was just me. He reminds me of a guy I once worked with who would say things like, " How can we maximize our minimus?"

That was entertaining.

Sounds a bit like Mike Pence- Sounds very intelligent and noble- BUT ACTUALLY SAYS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

I think you qualify to stand in for Kayleigh while she has the Rona!


Do you understand anything this person posts? I dont

Do you navigate life only by what you learned after birth or do you include time being alive conceived to born into character role playing cradle to grave acting as a chosen people?

I took all I was educated to believe in separate institutions of ideas and I discovered one constant never allowed in open debate directing social outcomes from now on. That fine line between simultaneously here as spontaneously one of a kind proportionately adapting as the current populaiton so far.

I then really studied event horizons between inorganic universal positions and displacement of replacements in this universal point of existing in a perpetual balancing environment. Eureka, time is motionless, immovable to cycles forever changing total sum arrived so far.

You cannot process what physical eternity comes from? Oh you are to busy chasing possibilities points of origin are outside mutually evolving now.
Hey I know........I bet you and the Chinabot could have some REALLY stimulating conversations together. You ought to track him down and go to the private conversation board. That ought to keep you two busy for the next ten years or so!

Nobody does. LOL.

Can you even deypher what this person posts?

Good. I thought it was just me. He reminds me of a guy I once worked with who would say things like, " How can we maximize our minimus?"

That was entertaining.

Sounds a bit like Mike Pence- Sounds very intelligent and noble- BUT ACTUALLY SAYS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

I think you qualify to stand in for Kayleigh while she has the Rona!


Okay I'll try to interpret.

I go through life through cell reproduction by evolution, timed carefully, since conception.

This one is more difficult.

My brain can see potential outcomes now as if there isn't tomorrow, yet reality shows that it's impossible and yet my "predictions" of my future actions keep coming true.

The outcomes have all come true. Thus the eternal life is between space and time.

I go through evolving from cellular reproduction until dead and the process that started at conception reverses the cells configured so far back to original charateristics of the periodic table to combined back into inorganic growth of eroded results so far.

inversion conversion to the whole is equal to total sum of all its parts.

kinetic flow vs potential outcomes of things working the same way never duplicating details or ancestral results twice as occupying space so far. that boils down to there never was missing links of cintuous changes compounding so far, from now on. Reality invents doubt now is eternity to justify persons within a species taking advantage of everyone else intellectually. Artificial Intellegience comes from recording history by statistical averages and time line narratives making people prove life originates beyond muutally evolving so far.
Ive seen it. Like I say,.....the ramblings of a nutcase. Just because the ramblings have a pattern to them doesnt make them any less crazy. :laugh:

Yeah. It's a symptom of schizophrenia. What do you think of my interpretation on first page?
It seems like a Joycian type shot at stream of consciousness writing.

Hmm. Interesting.

Mmmmmmmmm seems like the ramblings of a nutcase to me. Sometimes the simplest answer is the truest.

Actually if you read carefully, you start to see the pattern.

Ive seen it. Like I say,.....the ramblings of a nutcase. Just because the ramblings have a pattern to them doesnt make them any less crazy. :laugh:

Yeah. It's a symptom of schizophrenia. What do you think of my interpretation on first page?

When a human brain has to debate characters of programmed contextual minds loyal to their scripted personalities cradle to grave seldom ever learned how to deal with anyone instinctively aware of how life works in plain sight within "current event" horizons occupying space as reproductively centered as proportionately part of the populaiton of their species now..
I navigate living as a mutually evolving reproduction only timed apart so far, arrived since conceived into an ever changing compounding result life has achieved so far.

My brain can filter between syllables of potential outcomes like there never was a tomorrow arriving each rotation of the planet. yet every reality says that isn't possible but my thinking accounts for life becoming exactly the behavior acted out now.

Specific is everyone doing what is taking place including myself mutually evolving from now on. Eternal life only exists occupying space so far.


there is nothing larger in current events than reproductions mutually evolving so far and that is all you have to make it sound reality by context is larger than life taking place from now on as mutually arrived so far.

Your illuisons of could happen are so empty, like syllables in the wind.