My kids all got AR-15s from Santa!

I guess Santa figured this was a good year to bring guns? I can't count the number of friends who also had the same thing happen, Santa must be an NRA member!

I was in Walmart the other evening and while in the sporting goods department buying some ammo I saw three different individuals purchase 4 such weapons, I assumed for gifts, but who knows. Anyhow, I suspect sales to be up for a while...they always are.
Amazing. My oldest daughter is well versed in the use of firearms, she goes to the range about once a week or so, and has all kinds of marksmanship awards. My middle daughter is what you might describe as a 'casual' shooter, she may go to the range once a year. Baby girl has only shot a gun once in her life, when she was 9 or 10. So they go out to shoot their Christmas presents today, and baby girl smokes her older sisters on the range! Turns out, she is a natural born marksman! I am so proud!
I was in Walmart the other evening and while in the sporting goods department buying some ammo I saw three different individuals purchase 4 such weapons, I assumed for gifts, but who knows. Anyhow, I suspect sales to be up for a while...they always are.

Try back ordered for months. Some sites are shut down until they can catch up on current orders
A couple from church got their two girls (in their 20's) a nice pair 9mm pistols for Christmas. Both girls were brought up hunting/shooting, are both married now, but are going to go through the concealed carry classes and plan to get their CCW. This was in the works long before the latest school shooting. I post this just to further show that giving guns as presents, whether on Christmas or birthdays or whatever the occasion, is as common in many parts of the country as Schumer's basketball. I am glad that he at least acknowledges that.
hey dixie don,

I am still not affraid of you and your guns

Well I should hope you're not afraid of me and my guns, we're completely harmless... unless you come on my property with the intent of doing me or my family harm, or taking my guns. There may even come a day when you need me and my guns to win back the freedoms you've frittered away, or protect you from the tyrant government you created.

I only posted this to tell about Christmas at Dixie's, and to let you know you'd be wise to not mess with my girls. Especially my youngest, she can take the eyes out of a flea at 50 paces. Takes after the old man, I guess!
We got our order in just before the rush. Dealer said, if we had waited another week, they wouldn't have been available.

You're lucky. My christmas bonus was cancelled (as were all supervisors) and now I'm probably going to have to wait a year before I can get what I wanted.

However, my boss did say he was ordering a few 7075T6 blanks, and I do have these.
