My last fall semester....


Junior Member
this is it... and i think really this time when i finish, i think im going to try out NYC and get a job down there in June or something.
You wanna do the daily grind huh? I used to, but I'm nice and comfortable with a 25 min commute
You wanna do the daily grind huh? I used to, but I'm nice and comfortable with a 25 min commute

i want to date more... and go out to fun bars and do stuff like that and meet new people... not gonna do that in Enfield/Hartford County
It'd be nice if I were working really close to NYC and could take hte train afterwork if I wanted to, but having to go into the city EVERY day would be a pain I think. I don't think I'd want to.
It'd be nice if I were working really close to NYC and could take hte train afterwork if I wanted to, but having to go into the city EVERY day would be a pain I think. I don't think I'd want to.

you don't have to take the train in, if your living in the city...

then i can go out after work for :clink:
and then meet :shock: HOTTIES....
I liked cali a lot! I wouldn't mind moving out there. The only thing I'd have reservations about would be the price of housing there.
I liked cali a lot! I wouldn't mind moving out there. The only thing I'd have reservations about would be the price of housing there.

That's why you get married to a nice, professionally employed dude. It pretty much takes two incomes ;)
Are you moving to the city rob?

nothing is set in stone, and obviously im still very bitter about getting broken up and they couldn't man up and call to tell me and had to read it on their myspace page... but it made me think im probably not going to have a lasting relationship w/ me living at home and in Hartford. its just not going to happen... been trying to make it happen for about 7 years...

plus i don't want to run into el douchebag again i mean i have time, and i am going to weigh out all my options... the thing is also i don't know how i feel about renting an apartment in NYC or anywhere b/c it doesn't give me any equity, but i figure i could do it for a year or 2 then move over the river and buy something... but i could also move to NYC and hate it and end up alone anyways LOL...
all the more reason to move.

I find that no one wants to talk to you unless you live there... like when i was trying to move to florida i met w/ headhunters while i was in florida and they basically told me that i would need to be there to go on interviews etc to get a job... no one wanted to help me... i don't know if things would be different if or when i have my masters degree.
The only thing I'd have reservations about would be the price of housing there.

This coming from someone form New Jersey gives it extra weight.
Rob I have little reason to believe that you would find the type of person you're looking for in NYC as opposed to where you are now. New Yorkers seem to be more likely to do that kind of thing.
Dump you on a myspace page or any of the other ill things you have said have happened to you.

You know what your problem is Rob? You are attracted to men and men are very difficult to deal with when it comes to relationships. Compared to women men care very little about them and see them as disposable as tissues.

You've got a rough road ahead.

Let me ask you this:

Do you place looks as number one priority when looking for someone?
Dump you on a myspace page or any of the other ill things you have said have happened to you.

You know what your problem is Rob? You are attracted to men and men are very difficult to deal with when it comes to relationships. Compared to women men care very little about them and see them as disposable as tissues.

You've got a rough road ahead.

Let me ask you this:

Do you place looks as number one priority when looking for someone?

of course... you have to be attracted to them.