My Lefty Outrage: Two Years Later

Minister of Truth

Practically Perfect

So it seems that in the upcoming Twilight Princess for the Wii, Link will be right-handed. Players will be able to wave the Wii controller around and have Link mirror their movements. Apparently so that all you weak righties don't have to hold the controller in your off-hands, Nintendo has decided to change this important aspect of Link's character, and destroy one of the few great icons in the left-handed world.

Lefties have to live every single day dealing with things that are designed for right hands, and now we're losing Link. I am outraged.

I agree with the author's sentiments above. Fuck all you right-handed people!!! :321:
"Compared to straight men, gay men are more likely to be left-handed,"

This year, three Canadian scientists published a study which found some connection between left-handedness and homosexuality (1).
Analyzing a number of studies, their paper concludes that male homosexuals are about one third (31%) more likely than heterosexuals to be left-handed (2), while lesbians are almost twice as likely (91%) to be left-handed as heterosexual women."
This has the potential to reach awesomeness previously unknown.

Also, while I'm right handed, I'm left eye dominant. Meaning I shoot left handed.
maybe you just bombard us with sig girls to mask your rampant left handed homoness

LOLZ, I'll have to start paying more attention to left-handed women. One that comes straight to mind is, well, straight. On the other hand, I can think of two lesbians who are right-handed.
As condolences, I will make all my characters in all the stories I'm too lazy to write left-handed. I hope that makes you happy. You just changed history, three, as the one novel I'll crank out by the time I'm sixty is sure to be genius and utterly ignored for 200 years until people realize it's genius.
You know what's funny is, because I'm a huge Zelda fan, I assumed that it was a common drawing practice in the videogame world to draw characters as left-handed. In fact, after seeing a cardboard Attack of the Clones DVD unit at the store which had Anakin as apparently left-handed in the artwork, I assumed it was a common drawing practice, period. I had no idea that Link was virtually alone as the one popular left-handed videogame character!!
Considering that Samus has the cannon mounted on her right hand, I've always assumed she's left-handed, though...

Well,,,,, that explains everything.

My brother is left handed. The stories I could tell.

Are you sure?

Obama, Clinton, Bush Sr., Reagan, Ford, and Truman are/were left-handed

Bush, Carter, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy, and Eisenhower are/were right-handed

LOLZ @ the righties only contributing only Eisenhower, with the others all sucking!!

If you extend from last 12 to last 14, add Hoover to the lefties and FDR to the righties, so its slightly more fair to the righties.
Obama, Clinton, Bush Sr., Reagan, Ford, and Truman are/were left-handed

Bush, Carter, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy, and Eisenhower are/were right-handed

LOLZ @ the righties only contributing only Eisenhower, with the others all sucking!!

If you extend from last 12 to last 14, add Hoover to the lefties and FDR to the righties, so its slightly more fair to the righties.


I never knew that.