My Mistake

Yesterday I posted on this website and I only accused the democrats of possibly cheating to elect Biden. I completely forgot to mention that the media may have cheated as well. I apologize for my mistake.

Turns out the claim of cheating was also a mistake.
The correct translation was that your post was devoid of logic and not worth responding to with text.

Disagreed. Both your posts and mine are available for all to read. People can make up their own minds but most won't care.

The $20 donation stands. You are headed for divorce and I strongly suspect you know it. As soon as your wife retires in 3(?) years, you're done.
You can say that, and just add to your pile of non-logic lol.

Of course I can. I did.

Dude, divorce isn't fun. BTDT. Mine was fairly young, but at your age it's going to cause a person of your personality to go nuts for awhile. At least over a year, probably up to three years before you start to calm down and get a grip.

By that time you'd have totally alienated yourself against everyone in your family; your ex and your daughters, grandchildren. Certainly her entire side of the family and maybe some on your side.

The good news is that even OJ's mom loved him to the end and protested his innocence. So maybe you have that going for you. ;)
Well the media cant cheat but they can lie.

Cheating is a form of lying, IMO Trump is well known to do both as a basic life strategy.

All "the media" are corporations. Multi-billion dollar corporations with thousands, if not millions, of stock shareholders all screaming "More Profit!!!".

There is no vast Left Wing conspiracy. There's only the conspiracy of American investors to make money. Don't like a "media" source? Switch channels, find another website or buy another magazine or newspaper. Please stop trying to make it into something it is not.
So you say, yet you're the one fantasizing about fucking your daughter up the ass.

Dude, your future is your own to make. It's not set. Think of me as something like Ghost of Christmas Future or as someone flying overhead as you are driving at 200MPH across the desert. I can see a chasm ahead, but you won't until it's too late to stop. I warn you. You have these options:

Ignore me and keep the pedal to the metal!!!

Slow down to a speed that allows you to safely stop if a chasm is seen.

Break immediately, stop, never do it again.

Whatever you choose to do. It's your call, not mine. ;)
Question: 'How many fucking Right-wing Nut Jobs does JPP have to accept as New*Members'?
(there should be a limit!)

Want to bet your future participation on this forum on the winner?

Cheating is a form of lying, IMO Trump is well known to do both as a basic life strategy.

All "the media" are corporations. Multi-billion dollar corporations with thousands, if not millions, of stock shareholders all screaming "More Profit!!!".

There is no vast Left Wing conspiracy. There's only the conspiracy of American investors to make money. Don't like a "media" source? Switch channels, find another website or buy another magazine or newspaper. Please stop trying to make it into something it is not.

Cheating is not playing by the rules.
There are apparently no rules that apply to the media.

The Fourth Estate has many protections fir which they were trusted to be impartial reporters/recorders of current events. That didnt kast long if it ever happened at all.
Cheating is not playing by the rules.
There are apparently no rules that apply to the media.

The Fourth Estate has many protections fir which they were trusted to be impartial reporters/recorders of current events. That didnt kast long if it ever happened at all.

Agreed defining cheating. Sorry, man, but there are rules that apply to the media. Why do you think, like TrumpCorp, they have so many fucking lawyers?

Please post your favorite/most disliked protections given the Fourth Estate?
Question: 'How many fucking Right-wing Nut Jobs does JPP have to accept as New*Members'?
(there should be a limit!)

At least two, possibly three, for every Leftwing whack job nutter on the board. That should balance things out to roughly even in the amount of crazy from the Left and Right....
JPP is a haven for RWNJs, but it's not nearly the worst. Besides Stormfront there is Trinnity's Stormfront Lite forum at

If you want to see how bad it can get without actually having concentration camps and Gestapo knocking on doors, look through there.

It's a ripe place for FBI surveillance.

You think that's bad? Try /pol/ on 8kun. It's a haven for ACTUAL murderers and terrorists.