My morning surprize

Picture taking tends to get them to go away.

Depends on your neighborhood. Good luck convincing a local project gangster to leave because you took a picture of him in his nondescript hoody, cap, and shades. The police would see a pic of a completely non-identifiable indvidual and laugh you out of the station. Then depending on how much you pissed them off, you'd get in trouble with the dealers for snapping pics.

If your neighborhood is notorious for gaudy, flamboyaunt drug dealers who wear easily recognized outfits then maybe that would work.
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Sounds like a sterotypical (non realistic) view of Drug dealers to me.

Drug dealers in KY look pretty much like everyone else.
Depends on your neighborhood. Good luck convincing a local project gangster to leave because you took a picture of him in his nondescript hoody, cap, and shades. The police would see a pic of a completely non-identifiable indvidual and laugh you out of the station. Then depending on how much you pissed them off, you'd get in trouble with the dealers for snapping pics.

If your neighborhood is notorious for gaudy, flamboyaunt drug dealers who wear easily recognized outfits then maybe that would work.
You get whole groups to take the pictures, and if they are "non-descript" you take pictures of the customers. There is real safety in numbers when doing this. But if you want them gone from the neighborhood this is very effective.
I have already and she is not microed.

The picture taking idea is a great one and I will use it again if the need comes up again.

The screaming in the face came after I had done all the reasonable things and they tried to intimidate me.

I for some god damned unexplainable reason blow a fricking fuse when I realize someone is trying to physically intimidate me. I have done it with other nieghbors who have attempted to bully me physically. On was a guy who claims he is a navy seal and I was asking him what kind of solution he wanted to end the problem he saw and about the third time I asked him what solution he wanted and he just screamed in my face again I blew.
I chased him down the street lecturing him about seeking solutions instead of trying to fight for the fun of it. It ended with him standing in his driveway saying to me in a plaintive voice "why dont you just go home".
Most mean fear a crazy woman desh. It is an instinctive thing with us men.
I am assuming the dealers were male.
Sounds like a sterotypical (non realistic) view of Drug dealers to me.

Drug dealers in KY look pretty much like everyone else.

Whatever old man. Say hey to the countless dealers I'm sure you know.

I said it depends on your neighborhood. I forgot you lived in Kentucky in the 1800s.

I guess your dealers still wear tweed suits.
Most mean fear a crazy woman desh. It is an instinctive thing with us men.
I am assuming the dealers were male.

Yes they were and both were 6+ and very big men.

The navy seal guy is little and suffers from littlemans disease.
fyi several of the dealer busts in KY lately have been people over 55.

Tweed suits ? naw that is just the race horse crowds and their outrageous hats here.
fyi several of the dealer busts in KY lately have been people over 55.

Tweed suits ? naw that is just the race horse crowds and their outrageous hats here.

Meth, I bet.

You old hick farts love the meth.

I've never understood the appeal, but it never was my thing.
Never done any meth. Nope methadone and Hydrocodne/oxycotin and Pot seem to be the drugs of choice that persist here in KY. the meth heads wind up dead or in prison pretty quickly.
I'm not joking desh................

Oh Im so scared BB.

you are funny as hell.

You are talking to a woman who ahs stood and screamed in the face of two separate drug dealers who were both nearly twice my size.

The drug dealers left and I still own both houses and live in one.

13 is the tatoo of MS-13 property...your little tale of chasing a 'Navy Seal' down the road is about as convincing as soco's tales of the Panama canal...
ya think ya are so cute and funny...but if this little tale about the stray doggie is true...if I were you I would not be so smug and act so brave!
fella you are not scaring me.

Like I said I myself question wether his claims of being a navy seal are real.

He is just too stupid and too easily scared by the likes of me to be a real seal.

I dont think a seal would be yelling at their neighbor over a childs squirt gun either.

He was screaming at me because his son squirted my son so my son knocked the gun out of his hand and the dollar item broke when it hit the ground. Any seal I have known would have said when you shoot someone expect to have the gun knocked out of your hand. I asked him three times very calmly what solution he would like to see and every time he proceded to yeall at me again. The third time was charm and I let into him. He ran like a fricking 5 year old.
Whatever desh...............!

fella you are not scaring me.
Like I said I myself question wether his claims of being a navy seal are real.

He is just too stupid and too easily scared by the likes of me to be a real seal.

I dont think a seal would be yelling at their neighbor over a childs squirt gun either.

He was screaming at me because his son squirted my son so my son knocked the gun out of his hand and the dollar item broke when it hit the ground. Any seal I have known would have said when you shoot someone expect to have the gun knocked out of your hand. I asked him three times very calmly what solution he would like to see and every time he proceded to yeall at me again. The third time was charm and I let into him. He ran like a fricking 5 year old.

Man this story changes with every post...first he 'was a Navy Seal' he is a phoney...Good Lord Desh...if ya want to tell the 'big tales' least stay for the 13 tatoo, now I believe this is phoney also...;)
I have already and she is not microed.

The picture taking idea is a great one and I will use it again if the need comes up again.

The screaming in the face came after I had done all the reasonable things and they tried to intimidate me.

I for some god damned unexplainable reason blow a fricking fuse when I realize someone is trying to physically intimidate me. I have done it with other nieghbors who have attempted to bully me physically. On was a guy who claims he is a navy seal and I was asking him what kind of solution he wanted to end the problem he saw and about the third time I asked him what solution he wanted and he just screamed in my face again I blew.
I chased him down the street lecturing him about seeking solutions instead of trying to fight for the fun of it. It ended with him standing in his driveway saying to me in a plaintive voice "why dont you just go home".

BB you really need to pay more attention. Read my post again VERY SLOWLY.
I opened my door to go get the paper this morning and my dog started growling at the bushes right in front of my door and what did I find in the bushes????.

Two men with nets and a straight jacket!

Ha! I'm so damn funny I kill me! :cool:
Suicide by jokes only you find funny.

Hmmm what could we name that?




Ya I think that my fit your avitar.
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