My New Year Resolutions

So, America can never be saved, and freedom is ultimately doomed, in your book?

"Resistance is futile!" -The Borg

"Ditto." -American Proles
As if the proles actually dictated the direction our nation goes. WE are the shadow government, WE are the elite, WE are the TRINITY! It is by OUR hands that America is directed. The proles shall follow me, not I follow them.
Yes, my mother is going to carry out some executions. You might just be lucky enough to be one of the chosen few to be purged at the hands of the royal family rather than an ignorant but loyal prole.
Yes, my mother is going to carry out some executions. You might just be lucky enough to be one of the chosen few to be purged at the hands of the royal family rather than an ignorant but loyal prole.

Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberry wine.
I fart in your general direction.
So, America can never be saved, and freedom is ultimately doomed, in your book?

"Resistance is futile!" -The Borg

"Ditto." -American Proles
I didn't say that. Got to be pretty fucking arrogant to think America needs saved in the first place and even if we did, it sure as hell isn't going be an inept group, like libertarians, who would do it. Coservatives? Maybe? Liberals? Maybe. Moderates and Independents? Could be! Libertarians? Fuck, don't make me laugh. They couldn't run a dog pound.
I didn't say that. Got to be pretty fucking arrogant to think America needs saved in the first place and even if we did, it sure as hell isn't going be an inept group, like libertarians, who would do it. Coservatives? Maybe? Liberals? Maybe. Moderates and Independents? Could be! Libertarians? Fuck, don't make me laugh. They couldn't run a dog pound.
They certainly run this board just fine.
Well that's a step in the right direction. Now if you can only learn how to get elected. Then follow that up by learning how to actually govern....though I think that's probably to far beyond the ability of any libertarian.
Can you show me an instance of a Libertarian governing ineffectively?
I didn't say that. Got to be pretty fucking arrogant to think America needs saved in the first place and even if we did, it sure as hell isn't going be an inept group, like libertarians, who would do it. Coservatives? Maybe? Liberals? Maybe. Moderates and Independents? Could be! Libertarians? Fuck, don't make me laugh. They couldn't run a dog pound.

Now, we all know that I am not a fan of Jefferson and the liberals of his era. That said, libertarians are the decendents of Jeffersonian ideology, and since many believe they saved America from Hamilton and his followers, I'd say libertarianism is a legitimate philosophy, even thought I am more of a paleoconservative.