I don't think there is any plan for Iraq. Do you know what I think the plan for Iraq is? You have the secret Repub plan which is, wait until after the election and then send in the 40 thousand additional troops the generals are saying they need. Now, that still won't work, and eventually, after many, many more deaths, the US will still withdraw from Iraq and there will still be chaos for a time after we do.
The secret dem plan is, don't send in more troops, talk about a "timetable for withdrawal". You know what the timetable is? The timetable is waiting for the day that a majority of Americans realize that there will be no stability as long as we are there, so talk of timetable is stupid, and let's just get the hell out now. And then the dems will withdraw.
There is no clean way out of Iraq. The dems know it, most of the repbs don't, but will learn it after sending in more troops and having an even bigger bloodbath. Americans are ahead of the repubs on understanding this, but not quite where the dems are yet. They will be there very shortly after bush sends the additional troops in. He might get impeached yet, but it won't be for anything he has already done.