My official and final prediction!

Sadly, I must concur that the size of the Democratic wave is probably overestimated, IMO.

Voter suppression, GOP get-out-the-vote operations, and GOP kool aid will not cause enough voters to put Dems in charge of either house. I'm still predicting Dem pickups of 10-12 in the house, and 3-4 in the senate.

It was probably overestimated, but the dems are still going to pick up the House.
It was probably overestimated, but the dems are still going to pick up the House.

I hope you're right, Darla.

There are reports that a massive, nation wide GOP suppress the vote effort is underway.

In multiple states, the RNC is placing automated robo-calls to voters, in which they pretend to be the Democratic candidate and the calls are inteneded to piss voters off at the Dem candidate.
I hope you're right, Darla.

There are reports that a massive, nation wide GOP suppress the vote effort is underway.

In multiple states, the RNC is placing automated robo-calls to voters, in which they pretend to be the Democratic candidate and the calls are inteneded to piss voters off at the Dem candidate.

Is this legal?
Anyway, I haven't seen anything about it yet Cypress, not that I doubt it, I don't. These people haven't won an honest election since, and including, 2000.

But...the new Newsweek poll seems to indicate to me that that so-called republican comeback was a faux one. I had hoped that was the case, I just couldn't see them winning back independents. And they have not. A percentage of their base has come back to them as far as saying, would they vote dem or repub in the election. But, I don't know if anyone knows whether or not that base is going to be turning out in their usual numbers. I really think we are going to see the wing nut turnout go back to the 2000 level, and not hit the 04 level, and that will do it. If I'm wrong, the repubs still have to overcome the dem's overwhelming advantage with the independents, and they just can't. So the only way they hold the House, and this is just my opinion, is through massive fraud. And you know what, eventually, they're gonna get caught.
I don't think there is any plan for Iraq. Do you know what I think the plan for Iraq is? You have the secret Repub plan which is, wait until after the election and then send in the 40 thousand additional troops the generals are saying they need. Now, that still won't work, and eventually, after many, many more deaths, the US will still withdraw from Iraq and there will still be chaos for a time after we do.

The secret dem plan is, don't send in more troops, talk about a "timetable for withdrawal". You know what the timetable is? The timetable is waiting for the day that a majority of Americans realize that there will be no stability as long as we are there, so talk of timetable is stupid, and let's just get the hell out now. And then the dems will withdraw.

There is no clean way out of Iraq. The dems know it, most of the repbs don't, but will learn it after sending in more troops and having an even bigger bloodbath. Americans are ahead of the repubs on understanding this, but not quite where the dems are yet. They will be there very shortly after bush sends the additional troops in. He might get impeached yet, but it won't be for anything he has already done.

Correct, at this point there is no good plan for Iraq and no way that this will end well. This is why imo the (D) should have focused on domestic issues but I haven't seen much of that happen.
Please articulate the Repubican voice and agenda, going forward.

Now that we know, we were "never stay the course", even though a lot of us thought we were "stay the course" on account of always being told "we got to stay the course", but now that that has been cleared up and all of us stupid fools who were believing what we were being told know that we were "never stay the course" what is the republican plan for Iraq?

Or you know, any ole plan you know about that they got, please do share.
LOL - you only back up flag's point, when criticized for not having a clear plan, you just attack the Repubs - you do realize anyway that that is Pelosi's official strategy (which is working well to be fair), criticize everything and stand for nothing - hard to lose votes this time around.
This thread is a joke anyway. Alex blubbering on about ending the long nightmare - which would be what about 4 years? That was the last time the Dems controlled the senate and the period of the worst job loss and highest spending.
This whole bullshit that the Liberal media is only too happy to go along with about "the need for change" or a "new direction" with the Dems is nonsense. They've been out of power in congress for the senate for 4 fucking measly years, with a president that hasn't vetoed one thing that they were able to push.
This thread is a joke anyway. Alex blubbering on about ending the long nightmare - which would be what about 4 years? That was the last time the Dems controlled the senate and the period of the worst job loss and highest spending.
This whole bullshit that the Liberal media is only too happy to go along with about "the need for change" or a "new direction" with the Dems is nonsense. They've been out of power in congress for the senate for 4 fucking measly years, with a president that hasn't vetoed one thing that they were able to push.

Only four years and look at the mess Republican rule government has gotten us into. We need oversight... We need to get rid of the Rubber Stamp Congress....
Only four years and look at the mess Republican rule government has gotten us into. We need oversight... We need to get rid of the Rubber Stamp Congress....
This is why I think America is more screwed than any other reason.
It's a rubber stamp president, NOT a rubber stamp congress, congress is where ideas ORIGINATE. Yours and unfortunately most people's basic misunderstanding of this very simple fact is why the president gets the blame or credit for most things, while it is congress which should really be responsible for that.
Plenty of the Dems spending bills get through regardless of whether there is 49 Dems, 45 Dems or 50 Dems, because there are plenty of moderate Repubs willing to vote for their spending bills, like Chafee, Snowe and Collins.
Bush vetoes jackshit because he has no balls and then somehow gets labeled "partisan" anyways.

Short of Iraq and tax cuts, you fucking Liberals have had every single thing you wanted and then some and Iraq you wanted in the beginning anyway.

The only thing that will cut spending is getting more CONSERVATIVE Repubs in power who will actually cut it, because cry as you will about any and all spending, the reality is your leaders have promised to cut nothing, have no intention to cut anything and by their RECORD are much worse at spending anyway.

None of you will ever get this until you get off your ass and start looking at voting records and all of them instead of ping-ponging your partisan one-liners of Repub hate back and forth at each other and pretending that it accounts for a platform or solutions.
This is why I think America is more screwed than any other reason.
It's a rubber stamp president, NOT a rubber stamp congress, congress is where ideas ORIGINATE. Yours and unfortunately most people's basic misunderstanding of this very simple fact is why the president gets the blame or credit for most things, while it is congress which should really be responsible for that.
Plenty of the Dems spending bills get through regardless of whether there is 49 Dems, 45 Dems or 50 Dems, because there are plenty of moderate Repubs willing to vote for their spending bills, like Chafee, Snowe and Collins.
Bush vetoes jackshit because he has no balls and then somehow gets labeled "partisan" anyways.

Short of Iraq and tax cuts, you fucking Liberals have had every single thing you wanted and then some and Iraq you wanted in the beginning anyway.

The only thing that will cut spending is getting more CONSERVATIVE Repubs in power who will actually cut it, because cry as you will about any and all spending, the reality is your leaders have promised to cut nothing, have no intention to cut anything and by their RECORD are much worse at spending anyway.

None of you will ever get this until you get off your ass and start looking at voting records and all of them instead of ping-ponging your partisan one-liners of Repub hate back and forth at each other and pretending that it accounts for a platform or solutions.

Well I think the biggest issue are the things we got that we didn't ask a police state.
I think all this last minute hustle over votes is pretty funny. any votes gained now are votes fo the stupid. amyone who had not made up their minds by now on who to vote for did not have much of a mind anyway.
This is why I think America is more screwed than any other reason.
It's a rubber stamp president, NOT a rubber stamp congress, congress is where ideas ORIGINATE. Yours and unfortunately most people's basic misunderstanding of this very simple fact is why the president gets the blame or credit for most things, while it is congress which should really be responsible for that.
Plenty of the Dems spending bills get through regardless of whether there is 49 Dems, 45 Dems or 50 Dems, because there are plenty of moderate Repubs willing to vote for their spending bills, like Chafee, Snowe and Collins.
Bush vetoes jackshit because he has no balls and then somehow gets labeled "partisan" anyways.

Short of Iraq and tax cuts, you fucking Liberals have had every single thing you wanted and then some and Iraq you wanted in the beginning anyway.

The only thing that will cut spending is getting more CONSERVATIVE Repubs in power who will actually cut it, because cry as you will about any and all spending, the reality is your leaders have promised to cut nothing, have no intention to cut anything and by their RECORD are much worse at spending anyway.

None of you will ever get this until you get off your ass and start looking at voting records and all of them instead of ping-ponging your partisan one-liners of Repub hate back and forth at each other and pretending that it accounts for a platform or solutions.

You Are WRONG:

Congress did not come up with...

The War in Iraq.
The Domestic Spying Program.
The Energy Policy.
Bush's Tax give away to the Rich.

and many more things Bush the Congress Rubber stamped.

It seems you dont understand how this congress works... Bush proposes it and Congress then approves it!
Correct, at this point there is no good plan for Iraq and no way that this will end well. This is why imo the (D) should have focused on domestic issues but I haven't seen much of that happen.

I wish they would have too. I think they didn't because polls are showing that the voter's top concern is Iraq. So they basically seem to have figured that slamming the repugs on their Iraq "plan" would win it for them. I guess tomorrow will show if they made a mistake or not. I have seen them talk about raising the minimum wage, and about health care, but I have not seen them go into any details on health care. I know they're no great shakes themselves, believe me.
I think all this last minute hustle over votes is pretty funny. any votes gained now are votes fo the stupid. amyone who had not made up their minds by now on who to vote for did not have much of a mind anyway.

Oh that is so true. I can't stand those "undecideds" that the media makes such a big deal out of in Presidential contests. Sticking them all in a room while they sit there with blank looks on their faces, and then they make them watch the debate. And then after the debate they still have the same blank looks on their faces and when asked answer "I just feel I still need more, I'm not convinced one way or the other". And I always sit there thinking, the outcome of the Presidential election depends on these absolute idiots. It's depressing.
Oh that is so true. I can't stand those "undecideds" that the media makes such a big deal out of in Presidential contests. Sticking them all in a room while they sit there with blank looks on their faces, and then they make them watch the debate. And then after the debate they still have the same blank looks on their faces and when asked answer "I just feel I still need more, I'm not convinced one way or the other". And I always sit there thinking, the outcome of the Presidential election depends on these absolute idiots. It's depressing.

:p LOL, that's how I felt in 2004's election. Its like, get a clue.