My Own Personal Hell


If you think the story about a woman having to live in her car with her dogs is bad, wait till you hear what happened to me today.

Two of my girlfriends and I decided to get facials this Saturday and then do lunch. I have made literally dozens of phone calls, and I can’t find a day spa that can do three facials together without two months notice. Most of them can’t do three together at all. And I thought I could fill up the time in between with pedicures, but forget that! No pedicure appointments to be had, all booked up. So the best I could do for one hour facials, was half hour intervals. I guess we will have to suffer through that, but what kind of third-world crap is this? I thought that under Capitalism… I mean, Democracy, if there is a demand someone will supply it? If you can pay for it you can have it? But now I find out that three women can’t get a freaking facial! This is what I’m paying taxes for??
You guys could come over my house and Ill throw some crap on your faces and tell you its good for your skin and charge you a couple of hundered?
You guys could come over my house and Ill throw some crap on your faces and tell you its good for your skin and charge you a couple of hundered?

LOL. Well, would you have wine, or some other cocktail? We’ll pretty much show up anywhere those are being offered.
Whenever I get more than 2 sentences into a post about shoes, makeup, or someone's personal life I suddenly remember random things I need to do around the house.
If you think the story about a woman having to live in her car with her dogs is bad, wait till you hear what happened to me today.

Two of my girlfriends and I decided to get facials this Saturday and then do lunch. I have made literally dozens of phone calls, and I can’t find a day spa that can do three facials together without two months notice. Most of them can’t do three together at all. And I thought I could fill up the time in between with pedicures, but forget that! No pedicure appointments to be had, all booked up. So the best I could do for one hour facials, was half hour intervals. I guess we will have to suffer through that, but what kind of third-world crap is this? I thought that under Capitalism… I mean, Democracy, if there is a demand someone will supply it? If you can pay for it you can have it? But now I find out that three women can’t get a freaking facial! This is what I’m paying taxes for??

I know this is tongue and cheek, but I had the same thing happen two years ago when I planned a spa day for my mom, aunt, grandmother, and cousin. It was pretty annoying. But if you can't fill the time with pedi's, mani's or, waxing, I don't know what you're going to do.
Im truely a guys kinda girl.

Most of my friends are guys.

I love chicks too but they often find me boring because Im not into shoes or gossip.

Sometimes I feel sorry for my boyfriend when he watches sports.

we're at the point in our relationship where I don't even bother put on the pretense that I'm remotely interested in what he's saying.
No way, I went to lowes last sunday and the parking lot was full.

LOL! People are now doing repairs themselves instead of buying new. On that note, I learned how to install a kitchen faucet on Saturday. We'd planned to replace the countertop and sink and hoped that the old faucet would hold out 'til we did. Oh, well. Thank you, Moen, for making the installation process pretty well idiot-proof!
Sometimes I feel sorry for my boyfriend when he watches sports.

we're at the point in our relationship where I don't even bother put on the pretense that I'm remotely interested in what he's saying.
Sports do bore the hell out of me.

Politics are my sports.

I go to the superbowl parties and just play hostess and cook and serve food.

With family and close friends I have fun doing this. You get to see everyone and listen to the ribbing and jokes.
Sports do bore the hell out of me.

Politics are my sports.

I go to the superbowl parties and just play hostess and cook and serve food.

With family and close friends I have fun doing this. You get to see everyone and listen to the ribbing and jokes.

I sure could use one of you at my house.