My position on illegal immigration


1. It would cost more to haul them all back to Mexico than it's worth. Just let them stay, issue them identification, make sure none of them are terrorists, and force companies to pay them normal citizen market wages.

2. They should be forced to pay all government taxes which they owe. They shouldn't be given social security credits and such for the years they were in the US illegaly, even if they paid into the system.

3. They should be required to learn English, even if they aren't on a road to citizenship, just for pragmatic purposes. We might also consider classes in American culture.

4. Fine every company that hired them knowingly. I'm not sure how much it should be. It shouldn't be enough to break the economy.

5. Allow them to apply for citizenship - and put them BEHIND all the citizens from their native countries that had already applied.

6. Establish an immigration quota system that favors those who wish to reside in lower population areas. Places like California just can't handle many more immigrants, while the midwest and south have an opposite (too low of a population) problem. We might consider favoring those who have the ability to make more income - this would put less burden on social services. It might also be opposed by those on the left, because it hurts the poor who want to immigrate.

7. Don't break up families.
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1. It would cost more to haul them all back to Mexico than it's worth. Just let them stay, issue them identification, make sure none of them are terrorists, and force companies to pay them normal citizen market wages.

2. They should be forced to pay all government taxes which they owe. They shouldn't be given social security credits and such for the years they were in the US illegaly, even if they paid into the system.

3. They should be required to learn English, even if they aren't on a road to citizenship, just for pragmatic purposes. We might also consider classes in American culture.

4. Fine every company that hired them knowingly. I'm not sure how much it should be. It shouldn't be enough to break the economy.

5. Allow them to apply for citizenship - and put them BEHIND all the citizens from their native countries that had already applied.

6. Establish an immigration quota system that favors those who wish to reside in lower population areas. Places like California just can't handle many more immigrants, while the midwest and south have an opposite (too low of a population) problem. We might consider favoring those who have the ability to make more income - this would put less burden on social services. It might also be opposed by those on the left, because it hurts the poor who want to immigrate.

7. Don't break up families.

KUDOS, I fully agree with everything but point six (I don't think that would have a chance of working).
KUDOS, I fully agree with everything but point six (I don't think that would have a chance of working).

Well, I thought for a second that instead of screaming at all of those heavily concerned with immigration and calling them racist I may as well tell them my position on things instead.

Point six is just a personal idea I had. Obviously, we couldn't do much once they were citizens. But we could, at least, insure that they would at least have the first place of residence in areas that wouldn't be overburdened by population. They could still pick up and move if they wanted to, but it would at least provide some sort of incentive not to.
Criminals, yes.

But not sex offenders, being that sex offenders are citizens. Maybe you meant felons? Felons have restricted right. The only thing I can think of that sex offenders have more restricted than other felons is that they're crime is broadcast to the world forever and they can never distance themselves from it no matter what repetance or time they've done.
I'm not saying that sex offenders are great, but they are less dangerous than practically any other kind of violent offender whenever it comes to recividism. Most of them aren't even violent offenders. A lot of crimes that have little or nothing to do with sex are included in the classification just to stir up fear on part of the politician. Georgia passed a sex offender law that borders on violating basic human rights last year.
I'm not saying that sex offenders are great, but they are less dangerous than practically any other kind of violent offender whenever it comes to recividism. Most of them aren't even violent offenders. A lot of crimes that have little or nothing to do with sex are included in the classification just to stir up fear on part of the politician. Georgia passed a sex offender law that borders on violating basic human rights last year.

Totally. which would you rather hear: "Your son was strangled and found dead." or "Your son was manually stimulated by a strange man behind bush, then found content and smoking a cigarette."?
I said much the same, many months ago. I simply added this:

Those who illegally migrated; let them pay for the Social Security gap, in fines.

Synergy is such a difficult concept...for idiots.
I said much the same, many months ago. I simply added this:

Those who illegally migrated; let them pay for the Social Security gap, in fines.

Synergy is such a difficult concept...for idiots.
And thus full agreement with Bush was the order of the day...

Does it feel good to know that you are 100% on board with Bush?
released pedophiles can't live near schools or playgrounds or parks or day care centers least in some states?
1. It would cost more to haul them all back to Mexico than it's worth. Just let them stay, issue them identification, make sure none of them are terrorists, and force companies to pay them normal citizen market wages.

2. They should be forced to pay all government taxes which they owe. They shouldn't be given social security credits and such for the years they were in the US illegaly, even if they paid into the system.

3. They should be required to learn English, even if they aren't on a road to citizenship, just for pragmatic purposes. We might also consider classes in American culture.

4. Fine every company that hired them knowingly. I'm not sure how much it should be. It shouldn't be enough to break the economy.

5. Allow them to apply for citizenship - and put them BEHIND all the citizens from their native countries that had already applied.

6. Establish an immigration quota system that favors those who wish to reside in lower population areas. Places like California just can't handle many more immigrants, while the midwest and south have an opposite (too low of a population) problem. We might consider favoring those who have the ability to make more income - this would put less burden on social services. It might also be opposed by those on the left, because it hurts the poor who want to immigrate.

7. Don't break up families.

I like most of this very much!

3. you can provide english language training but cant force it.

6. Incentives to go to low population areas might be good but remember they will move where they want.
:confused: Puzzled. what does this have to do with the issues of this thread???

hahaha! oh, sorry! I should have quoted the post...someone had said that you can't tell citizens of the usa where they can or can not live.... I was just responding to that....!

Those are citizens who have proved themselves danger to others.

The Public does have a right to protect itsself.