T. A. Gardner
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Biden was the right guy to beat Trump in 2016 and he has set the country on the right path after the mess Trump handed him.
If Trump is the nominee again, Biden will beat him again.
It Trump cannot run, i doubt Biden will run, if there is time to put in someone else.
That someone would Gavin Newsome, who no one in the current GOP field (including Trump) would stand a chance against. Trump would be terrified to run against Gavin now.
Gavin would have a harder time winning the Dem Primaries than the GE. James Clyburn would be the key to that. He would have to be the face of why the Dem's were not going with Kamala and to sell Gavin to the black voters, so they did not lose them.
Actually, polling is showing that people are increasingly--a majority of people now-- that the Democrat party has moved too far to the Left and they want no part of that.
Voters Are Losing Faith in Joe Biden’s Democratic Party. How Much Will That Matter in 2024?
Democrats Are Too Liberal For Their Own Voters
The Left is its own worst enemy.