My psychiatric diagnosis of Christine Ballsey Ford


Classical Liberal
I think she suffers from histrionic personality disorder.

What I think really happened that's "embedded in her hippocampus".

She was at a party. Somebody, possibly Kav, maybe someone else roughhoused with her. It's possible she was flirting with that somebody, that somebody was a little aggressive but in the end stopped when it was apparent she didn't wan't to continue.

She claims she had 1 beer. She was 15. I didn't have my first beer until I was 16.
I don't know how often I used to come home from my office landlord's pub before going home, wifey asked me how many beers I had and I say "one' when the reality was I had 2 or 3.
If you've been drinking and get stopped for speeding and the cop asks you if you've been drinking you normally say 2 glasses of beer or wine no matter how much you had.
She had more than one beer.

Kav was never known as a rapist or an attempted rapist yet suddenly he tries to rape a girl when he's 17. And with at least two, up to four (depending on when and who she's talking to), older bigger football players she somehow breaks free. Ninja cowabunga! Sure.

Kav may have been a priviledged, obnoxious , asshole preppy but he apparently knew what no meant.

Ballsey Ford needs to go back for further psychiatric treatment or get a new therapist.
Her performance at the senate hearing was classic histrionic personality disorder behavior.

my $.02
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I studied hypnosis and hypnotherapy for a long time. Dr. Ford specialized in using self-hypnosis to create artificial memories. I strongly suspect that she has done that, but I'm being charitable.
you guys say the dumbest unsubstantiated bullshit and convince each other it is real. It is amazing. You keep pulling each other down the rabbit hole.
you guys say the dumbest unsubstantiated bullshit and convince each other it is real. It is amazing. You keep pulling each other down the rabbit hole.

You are ignorant. You have been brainwashed. Look at it this way, with the near million dollars people have donated to her she can have a third and a fourth door installed in the front of her house.

As for you, this too shall pass. Kavanaugh can still be impeached if you come up with something. I hope you do.
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I think she suffers from histrionic personality disorder.

What I think really happened that's "embedded in her hippocampus".

She was at a party. Somebody, possibly Kav, maybe someone else roughhoused with her. It's possible she was flirting with that somebody, that somebody was a little aggressive but in the end stopped when it was apparent she didn't wan't to continue.

She claims she had 1 beer. She was 15. I didn't have my first beer until I was 16.
I don't know how often I used to come home from my office landlord's pub before going home, wifey asked me how many beers I had and I say "one' when the reality was I had 2 or 3.
If you've been drinking and get stopped for speeding and the cop asks you if you've been drinking you normally say 2 glasses of beer or wine no matter how much you had.
She had more than one beer.

Kav was never known as a rapist or an attempted rapist yet suddenly he tries to rape a girl when he's 17. And with at least two, up to four (depending on when and who she's talking to), older bigger football players she somehow breaks free. Ninja cowabunga! Sure.

Kav may have been a priviledged, obnoxious , asshole preppy but he apparently knew what no meant.

Ballsey Ford needs to go back for further psychiatric treatment or get a new therapist.
Her performance at the senate hearing was classic histrionic personality disorder behavior.

my $.02

you guys say the dumbest unsubstantiated bullshit and convince each other it is real. It is amazing. You keep pulling each other down the rabbit hole.

I think you need to focus in on finding contradiction of Tom's post....if that is true not even Feinstein will keep her senate seat....
I think she suffers from histrionic personality disorder.

What I think really happened that's "embedded in her hippocampus".

She was at a party. Somebody, possibly Kav, maybe someone else roughhoused with her. It's possible she was flirting with that somebody, that somebody was a little aggressive but in the end stopped when it was apparent she didn't wan't to continue.

She claims she had 1 beer. She was 15. I didn't have my first beer until I was 16.
I don't know how often I used to come home from my office landlord's pub before going home, wifey asked me how many beers I had and I say "one' when the reality was I had 2 or 3.
If you've been drinking and get stopped for speeding and the cop asks you if you've been drinking you normally say 2 glasses of beer or wine no matter how much you had.
She had more than one beer.

Kav was never known as a rapist or an attempted rapist yet suddenly he tries to rape a girl when he's 17. And with at least two, up to four (depending on when and who she's talking to), older bigger football players she somehow breaks free. Ninja cowabunga! Sure.

Kav may have been a priviledged, obnoxious , asshole preppy but he apparently knew what no meant.

Ballsey Ford needs to go back for further psychiatric treatment or get a new therapist.
Her performance at the senate hearing was classic histrionic personality disorder behavior.

my $.02

Ask for your money back. Your comments were not worth 2 cents.
Where is your chain of evidence that she practiced on herself? You guys are really reaching, it's sad.
She co-wrote a paper.....‘on self- hypnosis used to create artificial situations....."‘Meditation with Yoga, Group Therapy, and Psychoeducation for Long-Term Depressed ‘ Mood: a Random Pilot Trial"....
She co-wrote a paper.....‘on self- hypnosis used to create artificial situations....."‘Meditation with Yoga, Group Therapy, and Psychoeducation for Long-Term Depressed ‘ Mood: a Random Pilot Trial"....

So? We've all had to write papers on topics that we've studied but not necessarily practiced. Why do you think this is a "gotcha"?

Not to mention that it was a group of professionals who wrote up their research on the subject, yet you haven't suggested that the others practiced self-hypnosis.
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Where is your chain of evidence that she practiced on herself? You guys are really reaching, it's sad.

Doesn’t matter Cuntie

She doesn’t care anymore. It’s over. Give it up

Your side put up a good fight. You lost. Don’t worry nobody has ever or will ever want to sexually assault you
So? We've all had to write papers on topics that we've studied but not necessarily practiced. Why do you think this is a "gotcha"?

Not to mention that it was a group of professionals who wrote up their research on the subject, yet you haven't suggested that the others practiced self-hypnosis.

You are motivated by desperation. Ford's Ph.D. is in experimental psychology.