My psychiatric diagnosis of Christine Ballsey Ford


Her undergrad degree is in experimental psychology. Her master's degree is in clinical psychology. Her PhD is in educational psychology. And her 2nd masters is in epidemiology with a focus on bio- statistics.

And she co-authored an academic article about implanting false memories via self-hypnosis. You conveniently overlook that fact. And a lot of other points for that matter.

The only reason Ford would be of interest any longer would be if the FBI decided to investigate her for lying to Congress.

As I said to Nordberg, now that Kavanaugh has, unfortunately, been confirmed and sworn in, you and your ilk have all the time in the world to come up with a legitimate reason to impeach him.

And my general advice to Democrats is to get your shit together and clean up your corrupt party.
And she co-authored an academic article about implanting false memories via self-hypnosis. You conveniently overlook that fact. And a lot of other points for that matter.

The only reason Ford would be of interest any longer would be if the FBI decided to investigate her for lying to Congress.

As I said to Nordberg, now that Kavanaugh has, unfortunately, been confirmed and sworn in, you and your ilk have all the time in the world to come up with a legitimate reason to impeach him.

And my general advice to Democrats is to get your shit together and clean up your corrupt party.

Nice segue away from your false comments about her PhD.

I not only didn't overlook her article on false memories, I actually posted a link to it a few weeks ago. Here's another list of what she researched and wrote on. Maybe you and your ilk can find a way to work her writings on bulimia and HIV infections into your smears. I already stated that I'd support an FBI investigation into her. It's you and your ilk who claim that's she's lying, but your claims aren't fact.

Fleming, Shelley K.; Blasey, Christine; Schatzberg, Alan F. (2004). "Neuropsychological correlates of psychotic features in major depressive disorders: a review and meta-analysis". Journal of Psychiatric Research. 38 (1): 27–35. doi:10.1016/s0022-3956(03)00100-6. ISSN 0022-3956.

Belanoff, Joseph K.; Sund, Brenda; Koopman, Cheryl; Blasey, Christine; et al. (2005). "A Randomized Trial of the Efficacy of Group Therapy in Changing Viral Load and CD4 Counts in Individuals Living with HIV Infection". The International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine. 35 (4): 349–362. doi:10.2190/4n6w-buyy-cfne-67xh. ISSN 0091-2174.

Constantino, Michael J.; Arnow, Bruce A.; Blasey, Christine; et al. (2005). "The Association Between Patient Characteristics and the Therapeutic Alliance in Cognitive-Behavioral and Interpersonal Therapy for Bulimia Nervosa". Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 73 (2): 203–211. doi:10.1037/0022-006x.73.2.203. ISSN 1939-2117.

Blasey, C. M.; Block, T. S.; Belanoff, J. K.; Roe, R. L. (2011). "Efficacy and Safety of Mifepristone for the Treatment of Psychotic Depression". Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology. 31 (4): 436–440. doi:10.1097/JCP.0b013e3182239191. PMID 21694614.

Blasey, Christine; McLain, Carina; Belanoff, Joseph (2013). "Trough Plasma Concentrations of Mifepristone Correlate with Psychotic Symptom Reductions: A Review of Three Randomized Clinical Trials". Current Psychiatry Reviews. 9 (2): 148–154. doi:10.2174/1573400511309020009.

Arnow, Bruce A.; Steidtmann, Dana; Blasey, Christine; Manber, Rachel (2013). "The Relationship Between the Therapeutic Alliance and Treatment Outcome in Two Distinct Psychotherapies for Chronic Depression" (PDF). Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 81 (4): 627–638. doi:10.1037/a0031530. PMC 3742444. PMID 23339536.

Cohen, Jeffrey M.; Blasey, Christine; Taylor, C. Barr; Weiss, Brandon J.; Newman, Michelle G. (2016). "Anxiety and related disorders and concealment in sexual minority young adults". Behavior Therapy. 47 (1): 91–101. doi:10.1016/j.beth.2015.09.006. PMID 26763500.

Elliott, Glen R.; Blasey, Christine; Rekshan, William (December 1, 2017). "Cognitive Testing to Identify Children With ADHD Who Do and Do Not Respond to Methylphenidate". Journal of Attention Disorders. 21 (14): 1151–1160. doi:10.1177/1087054714543924. PMID 25122732.

Avery, Timothy; Blasey, Christine; Rosen, Craig; Bayley, Peter (2018). "Psychological Flexibility and Set-Shifting Among Veterans Participating in a Yoga Program: A Pilot Study". Military Medicine. doi:10.1093/milmed/usy045. PMID 29590487.

Williams, Nolan R.; Heifets, Boris D.; Blasey, Christine; Sudheimer, Keith; Pannu, Jaspreet; Pankow, Heather; Hawkins, Jessica; Rodriguez, Carolyn I.; Schatzberg, Alan F. (2018). "Attenuation of Antidepressant Effects of Ketamine by Opioid Receptor Antagonism". The American Journal of Psychiatry. American Psychiatric Association (published 2018-08-29). doi:10.1176/appi.ajp.2018.18020138.
So? We've all had to write papers on topics that we've studied but not necessarily practiced. Why do you think this is a "gotcha"?

Not to mention that it was a group of professionals who wrote up their research on the subject, yet you haven't suggested that the others practiced self-hypnosis.

She hates women,she hates Oprah,the owner of the Red Hen,now Dr Ford.