My take on leftists

You shit stains have no thought of your own, all you can do is copy me and edit what I say to mindless babble. What a pathetic excuse.

I see that you cannot comprehend the game. My game is to mirror you so you can see for yourself how retarded you are.

Right wingers on this forum demonstrate a hatred of 50%+ of Americans. The name-calling when anyone questions or even acknowledges a non right-wing/trump belief is the most typical response.

The best is the complaints about bringing up trump by liberals given how many threads are created by right-wing posters about trump.

Finally, right-wing posters always use a zero sum analogy. They find extreme examples to make a point about a broad topic. Then, if you dare acknowledge any validity of that topic they label you as part of the extreme. This is most commonly used with CRT and BLM.

The list is amusing considering the behavior of many people on these discussion boards.
I should add, many right-wing posters would rather engage in low IQ name-calling than actual conversation.

See previous posts in this thread as exhibit A.